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Investigate CDSE data access via STAC and S3 #53

Open clausmichele opened 1 week ago

clausmichele commented 1 week ago

It would be interesting to show how to access data offered by the Copernicus Data Space in different ways. CDSE offers also a STAC Catalog, but it doesn't include the actual links to the files.

Sample query to CDSE STAC:

from pystac_client import Client

catalog = Client.open('https://catalogue.dataspace.copernicus.eu/stac/')
items = catalog.search(
    bbox=[11.02083333, 46.65359938, 11.36666667, 46.95416667],
    datetime=['2018-02-01T00:00:00Z', '2018-06-30T00:00:00Z'],
jzvolensky commented 6 days ago

I have created some example access and made some notes about my experience. Please see below and let me know how to proceed:


clausmichele commented 6 days ago

Hi @jzvolensky, great that you found a way to get access to the data from STAC. Could you expand the Sentinel-2 example trying to open a file in the GRANULE folder available at eodata/Sentinel-2/MSI/L1C/2022/02/05/S2B_MSIL1C_20220205T102119_N0400_R065_T32TPT_20220205T110638.SAFE/GRANULE ?

jzvolensky commented 5 days ago

Getting access denied issues for the granule. Not sure if this is the fault of CDSE or my fsspec setup

fs = fsspec.filesystem('s3', key=S3_KEY, secret=S3_SECRET, client_kwargs={'endpoint_url': 'https://eodata.dataspace.copernicus.eu'})

granule_path = 's3://eodata/Sentinel-2/MSI/L1C/2022/02/05/S2B_MSIL1C_20220205T102119_N0400_R065_T32TPT_20220205T110638.SAFE/GRANULE/L1C_T32TPT_A025688_20220205T102141/IMG_DATA/T32TPT_20220205T102119_B04.jp2'

with rasterio.open(granule_path, opener=fs.open) as src:
    band4 = src.read(1)

band4_da = xarray.DataArray(band4, dims=["y", "x"])
