EO-College / cubes-and-clouds

This is the official repository for the online course 'Cubes & Clouds'
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Cubes and Clouds

This is the official content repository for the online course 'Cubes & Clouds - Cloud Native Open Data Sciences for Earth Observation' hosted on EO College.


The Massive Open Online Course 'Cubes & Clouds - Cloud Native Open Data Sciences for Earth Observation' teaches the concepts of data cubes, cloud platforms and open science in the context of earth observation. Here's the video on youtube in case it doesn't play here.


Target Group

It targets Earth Science students and researchers who want to increase their technical capabilities onto the newest standards in EO computing, as well as Data Scientists who want to dive into the world of EO and apply their technical background to a new field. Before starting, prerequisites are a general knowledge of EO and python programming.


The course explains the concepts of data cubes, EO cloud platforms and open science by applying them to a typical EO workflow from data discovery, data processing up to sharing the results in an open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) way. An engaging mixture of videos, animated content, lectures, hands-on exercises and quizzes transmits the content.

flowchart LR
      subgraph Concepts
      A[1.1 What is a Cloud Platform]-->B[1.2 What is a Data Cube];
      B-->C[1.3 What is Open Science];
      subgraph Discovery
      D[2.1 Data Discovery]-->E[2.2 Data Properties];
      E-->F[2.3 Data Access];
      F-->G[2.4 Formats and Performance]
      subgraph Process&Share
      H[3.1 Processing]-->I[3.2 Validation];
      I-->J[3.3 Sharing];

      Concepts --> Discovery
      Discovery --> Process&Share

Learning Objectives

After finishing the participant will understand the theoretical concepts of cloud native EO processing and have gained practical experience by conducting an end-to-end EO workflow. The participant will be capable of independently using cloud platforms to approach EO related research questions and be confident in how to share research by adhering to the concepts of open science.

Interactive Cubes and Clouds Map produced by the participants

Check out the interactive cubes and clouds map! It's produced by the participants of the course. Every participant adds their contribution to a community mapping project: mapping the snow cover of mountainous regions together!

Cubes and Clouds: Snow Cover STAC Collection

Sign-On Guide

To follow the course completely, especially to execute the hands-on exercises on cloud platforms you will sign in to some free services.

You can find all the necessary information in the lecture Introduction.


We're happy to receive your contributions to lessons, exercises, bug reports etc.

Availability of the course

Authors and Acknowledgement




Please refer to the whole course as described in the CITATION.cff file

Zellner, P. J., Dolezalova, T., Claus, M., Eberle, J., Balogun, R. O., Meißl, S., Eckardt, R., Hodam, H., Jacob, A., & Anghelea, A. (2024). Cubes & Clouds - Cloud Native Open Data Sciences for Earth Observation (v1.0.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10869466

The individual chapters can be reused and explicitly cited as listed in the Cubes and Clouds Zenodo Community.


Creative Commons License
Where not stated explicitly otherwise this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This project is funded by the European Space Agency through the program EXPRO+ with the contract number 4000138850/22/I-DT

Project Status

The project is currently work in progress.