EOEPCA-archive / rm-bucket-operator

Apache License 2.0
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General concept

For background please refer to the description of Workspace Provisioning. The general idea is to

Step 1: watch for the creation of a Kubernetes Bucket CRD in the Kubernetes cluster reflecting the need for user workspace provisioning

Step 2: fulfill this demand by creating S3 compliant object storage bucket (platform specific!)

Step 3: communicate the successful creation of the bucket to EOEPCA components by exposing necessary access details via a Kubernetes secret

Note: Step 2 can either be


Implementation Details

This project demonstrates how the fulfillment process of specific platform resources like user specific object storage could be automated - the current implementation uses the openstack4j java library as well as the AWS S3 java SDK to

  1. create an OpenStack project for a user

  2. create an OpenStack user identity within the OpenStack project for the user

  3. create an OpenStack container (i.e. S3 compliant object storage bucket) within OpenStack project for the user

  4. link the OpenStack user identity to the OpenStack project

  5. assign a bucket policy to grant access to other OpenStack user identities (e.g. the ADES component) to the created OpenStack container


To create proper platform resources on OpenStack the following environment variables for the bucket-operator project have to be provided:

This demonstrator only aims to grant user access to the created user bucket, not to other OpenStack resources, i.e. we put an EOEPCA operations email here.

Note: <name> is templated and will be replaced, e.g. eoepca+<name>@eoepca-operator.org

See here for example values corresponding to the EOEPCA development cluster.