EOEPCA / use-case-analysis

Use Cases Analysis Document
Apache License 2.0
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EOEPCA Use Case Analysis Document

Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Common Architecture
Document source (Asciidoc)
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Table of Contents

Repository Organisation

The document source is in the master branch.

The published document is in the gh-pages branch.

The gh-pages branch contains:

The Travis automated build generates the HTML/PDF from the Asciidoc in the master branch, and publishes this to current/ in the gh-pages branch.


During document authoring, the scripts used by the Travis automation pipeline can be executed locally.

In particular the document generation step...


The document generation relies upon docker to execute the asciidoctor command as a container, avoiding the need to install asciidoctor locally, (ref https://hub.docker.com/r/asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor).

Thus, you need to have installed docker locally in your development platform to support this.

There is also a helper script to present the generated document through a local HTTP server...


Published Documentation

The published document is at https://eoepca.github.io/use-case-analysis/.
