EOEboh / react-one-time-password

An OTP component for React and React Native projects
MIT License
41 stars 9 forks source link

OTP Input Component

A customizable OTP (One-Time Password) input component for React.

Installation and Usage

To install:

npm i react-one-time-password

Take a look at the basic usage:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { OTPInput } from "react-one-time-password";

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const handleOtpChange = (otp: string) => {
    console.log("OTP:", otp);

  return (
      <h1>Enter OTP</h1>
        // Custom styles for larger inputs
        inputStyle={{ width: "2em", height: "3em", fontSize: "1.5em" }}

export default App;

Asides from the direct style props, you can also pass the classNames prop in case you need custom class names for styling or Tailwind classes.

The classNames prop supports the following keys:

  onChange={(otp) => console.log(otp)}
  // Tailwind classes
    container: "flex items-center",
    input: "w-12 h-12 text-center border rounded-md",
    "resend-button-container": "mt-4",
    "resend-button": "px-4 py-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded",
    "input-separators": "mx-2",

If you wish to have a Resend OTP and Timer logic, you can enable the showResendButton prop and optionally pass any custom markup via the renderResendContainer and renderResendButton as shown below:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { OTPInput } from "react-one-time-password";

function App() {
  const [otp, setOtp] = useState("");

  const handleOtpChange = (newOtp: string) => {

  const handleResend = () => {
    console.log("Resend OTP triggered");
    // Add your resend logic here, e.g., making an API call to resend the OTP

  const customRenderResendContainer = (children: React.ReactNode) => (
    <div style={{ marginTop: "1rem", textAlign: "center" }}>{children}</div>

  const customRenderResendButton = (
    onClick: () => void,
    disabled: boolean,
    timer: number
  ) => (
        padding: "0.5rem 1rem",
        backgroundColor: disabled ? "#ccc" : "#007bff",
        color: "#fff",
        border: "none",
        borderRadius: "4px",
        cursor: disabled ? "not-allowed" : "pointer",
      {disabled ? `Resend OTP in ${timer} seconds` : "Resend OTP"}

  return (
      <h2>OTP Verification</h2>
      <p>Entered OTP: {otp}</p>

export default App;

For more options, feel free to check out the props below:

Prop Type Default Description
numberOfInputs number N/A Number of OTP input fields.
onChange (otp: string) => void N/A Callback function to handle OTP change.
inputWidth string "1em" Width of each OTP input field.
inputHeight "auto" \| "fit-content" \| string "3em" Height of each OTP input field.
disableAutoFocus boolean false Disable auto-focus on the first input field.
borderColor string N/A Border color of the input fields when focused.
borderRadius string N/A Border radius of the input fields.
showSeparators boolean true Show separators between input fields.
renderCustomSeparators () => React.ReactNode \| React.ReactNode () => <span style={{ margin: "0 0.5rem" }}>-</span> Custom separator component or function to render separators.
inputStyle CSSProperties N/A Custom styles for the input fields.
containerStyle CSSProperties N/A Custom styles for the container of the input fields.
inputType "password" \| "text" \| "tel" "tel" Type of the input fields.
inputMode "none" \| "numeric" \| "tel" "numeric" Input mode of the input fields.
resendTimeout number 60 Timeout in seconds before the resend button is enabled.
onResend () => void N/A Callback function to handle resend action.
resendContainerStyle CSSProperties N/A Custom styles for the resend container.
resendButtonStyle CSSProperties N/A Custom styles for the resend button.
renderResendContainer (children: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode N/A Custom function to render the resend container.
renderResendButton (onClick: () => void, disabled: boolean, timer: number) => React.ReactNode N/A Custom function to render the resend button.
showResendButton boolean false Show the resend button.
shouldDisableInput boolean false Disable input fields when OTP is complete.
classNames { container?: string; input?: string; "resend-button-container"?: string; "resend-button"?: string; "input-seperators"} N/A Optional CSS class names for customizing component styles.

Special Thanks to these Contributors

Emmanuel O. Eboh
Emmanuel O. Eboh

Success Kingsley
Success Kingsley

