EOS-uiux-Solutions / eos-icons-vscode

MIT License
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EOS Icons for VSCode

This extension allows you to replace VSCode's default icons with those from the EOS icon set.


Install the extension from the Marketplace, execute the command Preferences: Product Icon Theme and select the entry EOS Icons in the presented drop down:



To build the extension yourself, you will need the following packages installed:

and execute the following commands to setup your development environment:

$ yarn install
$ yarn run prepare

To build the extension itself, execute yarn run package.

To try the extension out in VSCode, open this folder in VSCode and press <f5> to launch a debugging session. This will create a fresh VSCode instance with the extension pre-installed and loaded. Note that sometimes the icon theme is not properly loaded on launch, in that case switch the Product Icon Theme to the default and back to EOS Icons.

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