EOX-A / QgsWcsClient2

A QGis WCS2.0/EO-WCS Plugin
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A QGis WCS2.0/EO-WCS Plugin

A tool to download (and subset in space and time) a time-series of raster data and get the data in your desired file-format and projection.

The WCS 2.0/EO-WCS Client allows to specify an Area-Of-Interest and a Time-Of-Interest and then access/download the raster data (coverages) from OGC WCS-2.0 and WCS-2.0/EO-WCS compliant servers. Unlike WMS, WCS enables the access to the original data (and not just to portrayals). The tool also handles the EO-WCS Application profile which allows to access/download a full time-series of coverages with just a few clicks. For multi-band EO-imagery the bands of interest can also be selected/sub-setted and their order in the output can be chosen. The downloaded coverages are directly loaded as layers into QGIS.

Requirements: This tool requires the python lxml-module to be pre-installed. [ Help for installation in Windows (thankfully provided by hkristen) can by found at: https://github.com/EOX-A/QgsWcsClient2/issues/8 ]

It would be more than welcome to receive accessible EO-WCS server-urls for additional testing.

Added Features & Fixed Bugs: 2017-05-03 - verison 0.3:

2017-09-22 - version 0.3.1:

2018-06-26 - version 0.3.2