EPCCed / gpu-directives

Contains material for a course using GPU directives
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Calling cuda/rocm libraries from openmp #2

Open lucaparisi91 opened 2 months ago

lucaparisi91 commented 2 months ago
lucaparisi91 commented 1 month ago

Pointers Translation


You can get the device address of a host variable mapped to the device. An example is

double * x = ..... // allocate x on host
#pragma omp target data map(to:x[0:count]) 
    #pragma omp target data use_device_addr(x[:,0])
       // launch hip/cuda kernel here

HIP/Cuda to OpenMP

double * x_device;
allocate_and_copy_from_host_to_device() // cuda/hip code

#pragma omp target is_device_ptr(x_device)
  // code using x_device here