EPCCed / gpu-directives

Contains material for a course using GPU directives
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Programming GPU with directives

Tentative outline

Day 1

Session Topic Notes
1.1 GPU programming APIs Introductions to GPU programming APIs ( CUDA, HIP , SYCL, OpenMP, OpenACC, kokkos etc..)
1.2 GPU architectures
1.3 Introduction to OpenMP How to map openmp concepts ( teams, parallel region, data movements ) to hardware concepts
1.4 Practical
1.5 Introduction to OpenMP - data movement data constructs, simple mappings etc.
1.6 Practical

Day 2

Session Topic Notes
2.1 Advanced Topics
2.2 Practical
2.3 Performance
2.4 Practical
2.5 OpenACC (? ) Mapping of OpenMP concepts to OpenACC concepts

Training material

There is a shared folder on Archer2 in /work/z19/z19/shared/gpu_directives_course , containing some base material we can use to develop the course.