ReKinDLe (Reconstruction of Kinetic models using Deep Learning) is a python package for training and generating with generative adversarial networks (GANs) to parametrize large-scale nonlinear kinetic models of cellular metabolism
ReKinDLe requires only a standard computer with enough RAM to support the in-memory operations. A cuda-compatible Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is recommended for accelerated performance.
The package is supported for Linux, MacOS and Windows The package has been tested on:
Windows: Windows 10
ReKinDLe uses the follwing python packages
tensorflow==2.2.0 tensorflow-estimator==2.2.0 tensorflow-gpu keras==2.4.3 keras-preprocessing h5py numpy pandas yaml configparser matplotlib seaborn ipython skimpy
You can download and install these packages yourself or check out the installation guide below.
First, you need to clone the repository to your local machine
git clone /path/to/rekindle
cd /path/to/rekindle
You can build the RekinDLe package in a conda environment. Check the instructions to download and install conda for your OS here Then, you create a conda virtual environement and install all the needed packages for GAN training:
conda env create -f rekindle_env.yml
Installation typically takes 2-3 minutes on a standard desktop computer.
Additionally, you will need to install SkimPy to work run certain scripts. Check the instructions to install SkimPy here. Note: SkimPy is not a part of the rekindle environment, you have to install it separately. The container (Docker) based installation takes 15-20 minutes on a standard desktop computer.
The models used in this module are publicly available here.
We highly recommend that you install SkiMPy using a docker container install first and then clone the ReKinDLe repo into the docker/work/ folder for maximum convenience.
First, change directory to the virtual envvironment folder.
cd venv
We first preprocess our data (kinetic parameter sets from ORACLE) to make it ready to be fed to the GANs. This raw data is present in models/parameters/ To begin preprocessing run the following command.
Alternatively, you can also run the script in IPython and view the objects and variables by running the following commands,
The pre-processed raw data should now be present in gan_input/fdp1/
To begin training run the following script in the command line or in IPython,
The training metrics (losses, accuracy and their plots), saved generator models (.h5) and GAN generated parameter samples will be stored in gan_output/fdp1/repeat_0/ Change the repeat hyperparameter in the script to have multiple repeats.
NOTE: SkimPy is a requirement for this step. To calculate the eigenvalues run the following script,
The maximal eigenvalues will be stored in the same folder as the previous step.
To load a pre-trained generator add the path to the generator in the script and then to generate from it run the following command,
The generated sample will be stored in output/.
NOTE: SkimPy is a requirement for this step.
Additionaly,to integrate the parameterized ODEs follow the next two steps. To convert a parameter sample from .npy to .hdf5 run the following command,
To integrate the parameterized ODEs run the following script after setting the parameter path variable to the .hdf5 file generated in the previous step,
The integrated time-series solutions will be stored in the folder ode_output/
The kinetic nonlinear models are available here.
The software in this repository is put under an APACHE-2.0 licensing scheme - please see the LICENSE file for more details.