ESCOMP / SimpleLand

Simple Land Model for CESM --- *** IN DEVELOPMENT *** --- please contact for more info. See supplemental information of for a description of SLIM physics. Implementation of SLIM into the main CESM trunk is ongoing. SLIM currently works with the CESM2.1 release, but must be downloaded from this repository until we finish implementing it properly into the main CESM code.
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Some single_column updates from release-clm5.0.35-ctsm5.1.dev111 that should come in #48

Closed ekluzek closed 1 year ago

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

I don't think this is a priority right now, but an update from release-clm5.0.35 to ctsm5.1.dev111 for CLM that should go into SLIM is this.

Here's one example...


+     ! Single Column
+     if ( single_column .and. (scmlat == rundef  .or. scmlon == rundef ) ) then
+        call endrun(msg=' ERROR:: single column mode on -- but scmlat and scmlon are NOT set'//&
+             errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
+     end if
ekluzek commented 1 year ago

We are leaving the single_column code in SLIM, in the hope that there could be time put into it to get it working in the future. We also will leave the namelist item for it as well. Fixing this and adding testing for it would be some of what needs to be done to make it functional.

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

Closing this as a wontfix as something we don't plan to do.