ESCOMP / SimpleLand

Simple Land Model for CESM --- *** IN DEVELOPMENT *** --- please contact for more info. See supplemental information of for a description of SLIM physics. Implementation of SLIM into the main CESM trunk is ongoing. SLIM currently works with the CESM2.1 release, but must be downloaded from this repository until we finish implementing it properly into the main CESM code.
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SLIM: The Simple Land Interface Model

Simple Land Model for CESM

For instructions on how to run SLIM on it's own or coupled to CESM on Cheyenne, see the Wiki, and the README file at the top of the SLIM checkout.

To cite, please use:

Laguë, M. M., Bonan, G. B., & Swann, A. L. S. (2019). Separating the Impact of Individual Land Surface Properties on the Terrestrial Surface Energy Budget in both the Coupled and Uncoupled Land–Atmosphere System. Journal of Climate, 32(18), 5725–5744.