ESCOMP / SimpleLand

Simple Land Model for CESM --- *** IN DEVELOPMENT *** --- please contact for more info. See supplemental information of for a description of SLIM physics. Implementation of SLIM into the main CESM trunk is ongoing. SLIM currently works with the CESM2.1 release, but must be downloaded from this repository until we finish implementing it properly into the main CESM code.
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A list of atm2lnd and lnd2atm variables that's initialized by the CTSM, affects SLIM output #59

Closed slevis-lmwg closed 1 year ago

slevis-lmwg commented 1 year ago

I encountered this while working on #46. I reported it in the PR's issue #44, as well as in the code as follows:

    ! TODO slevis SLIM: Eliminating next assignment returns error:
    ! Longwave down is <= 0, while eliminating and then changing the
    ! initialization of t_rad_grc to tfrz in lnd2atmType works but changes
    ! answers throughout, including in MML variables. See
    ! /glade/scratch/slevis/ERS_D_Ld60.f19_g16.H_MML_2000_CAM5.cheyenne_gnu.clm-global_uniform_g16_SOM.C.20221207_111523_9gqwvp/
    do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg
       lnd2atm_inst%t_rad_grc(g) = sqrt(sqrt(lnd2atm_inst%eflx_lwrad_out_grc(g)/sb))
    end do
slevis-lmwg commented 1 year ago

Variables that have changed answers when I removed their ctsm copies: t_rad, albd, albi, h2osno due to the timing of their CTSM vs. SLIM initialization (as far as I can tell).

Other than changing answers, it seems to work to initialize these variables on the CTSM side and remove all other calculations for them on the CTSM side.