ESCOMP / SimpleLand

Simple Land Model for CESM --- *** IN DEVELOPMENT *** --- please contact for more info. See supplemental information of for a description of SLIM physics. Implementation of SLIM into the main CESM trunk is ongoing. SLIM currently works with the CESM2.1 release, but must be downloaded from this repository until we finish implementing it properly into the main CESM code.
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Create a new set of SOM data for CAM6, CICE6 with latest cesm2_3 version #81

Open ekluzek opened 1 year ago

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

We have a set of SOM data for 2000, CAM5-CICE5 for cesm2_1 at f19_f19_mg16

@marysa ran this data and it's under this location...


We should rerun this for CAM6-CICE6 for cesm2_3 at f19_g19_mg17 and save the data off so it can be used for future such cases.

One reason this is important to do is that the current data can ONLY be used with the MCT coupler which is going away. Another reason is just the update to CESM2_3 means results will be much different and we might as well use the latest CAM and CICE6 versions for this update.

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

We also should save this data off in a more standard location and keep it in $DIN_LOC_ROOT so it can be used anywhere. And add it to the SLIM user-mods so it will be easy for people to create a case for it, rather than hidden away in the testmods.

@marysa could you maybe do this later at end of Summer after you both get moved and we get the cesm2_3 NUOPC branch all connected and working?

ekluzek commented 1 year ago

For testing it's possible I can use the cesm2_1 CAM5-CICE5 data with cesm2_3 CAM6-CICE6, but I haven't tried that yet. that's probably what we should try first.