ESchae / SimilarSoundSearch

A small command line query-by-example search engine for similar sounds.
MIT License
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A small command line query-by-example search engine for similar sounds.

This repository contains the code and evaluation data related to a bachelor's thesis written at the University of Freiburg. A content-based search algorithm for similar sounding sounds was implemented and evaluated using crouwdsourcing.

Given an audiofile as query and a specific database with sounds the algorithm returns the most similar sounds to the query. You can directly listen to the sounds from the terminal.


To perform a search you need to call from the terminal. Given a soundbase and a query the program will return a list of most similar sounds to the query found in the soundbase. If no query is specified, a randomly selected sound from the soundbase will be used. Once presented with the results you can decide if you want to listen to the sounds directly from the terminal, perform a new query or exit.

Click on the picture below to see how it works (you will be redirected to the video - don't forget to turn your speakers or headphones on!): IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE

If you want to customize your search check

$ python -h

for more options.

If using the example database is not enough for you and you want to build your own just try

$ python -h


Up to now the functionality was only tested on Ubuntu 14.04.


Install the dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential libfftw3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavresample-dev python-dev libsamplerate0-dev python-numpy-dev python-numpy

Then go into the source directory and configure with

./waf configure --mode=release --with-python



and insall (you might need sudo).

./waf install

Additional python packages:

$ pip install scikit-learn dataset tqdm

For listen to audiofiles directly from terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-mp3