EURODEO / e-soh

Monorepo for the 3 connected services of e-soh
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The RODEO project develops a user interface and Application Programming Interfaces (API) for accessing meteorological datasets declared as High Value Datasets (HVD) by the EU Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 under the EU Open Data Directive (EU) 2019/1024. The project also fosters the engagement between data providers and data users for enhancing the understanding of technical solutions being available for sharing and accessing the HVD datasets. This project provides a sustainable and standardized system for sharing real-time surface weather observations in line with the HVD regulation and WMO WIS 2.0 strategy. The real-time surface weather observations are made available through open web services, so that they can be accessed by anyone.

Near real-time observational data

E-SOH is part of the RODEO project. The goal for this project is to make near real-time weather observations from land based station easily available. The data will be published on both a message queue using MQTT and EDR compliant APIs. Metadata will also be made available through OGC Records APIs. The system architecture is portable, scalable and modular system for taking into account possible extension to additional networks and datasets (e.g. 3rd party surface observations) in the future.


The E-SOH service consist of three parts.


All three parts of the service is kept in this repository and can be built and setup using docker-compose. For more documentation on each part of the service see in each relevant folder in this repository.

To keep a small docker context and not have the extra maintenance of a .dockerignore, it is necessary when running locally to copy the protobuf file to the Dockerfile directories. You can do this by running: just copy-proto. Which copies the protobuf files to all specified Dockerfile directories. At the moment the ingestor is not included.

Just run command

The Justfile is a simple way to define and run common tasks for a project. It’s similar to Makefiles, but simpler and more cross-platform.


Install by running:


How does it work?

The Justfile is a simple text file that contains a list of tasks. Each task is a shell command. For example:

To run build and run the services locally:

just up test

To run everything including client and do a cleanup of the database afterward:

just all destroy



  1. Go to the root of the repository.
  2. Install the python pre-commit package with pip install pre-commit.
  3. Reinitialize the repository with git init.
  4. Install the hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml with pre-commit install.

Useful Commands