EVERSE-ResearchSoftware / EVERSE-ResearchSoftware.github.io

EVERSE Webiste
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research-software software-quality

EVERSE Website


This is the source for the EVERSE website. The website is built with the Hugo static website engine and the Blowfish theme.

Directory Layout

The directory layout follows the usual Hugo scheme. The most important directories are:

These should be the only directories that you care about if you want to add or update content on the site. If you wish to do some deeper customisation of the site then the layouts directory has page templates and Hugo shortcode files.

Modifying and Adding Content


You will need to install Hugo and checkout the code for the website from GitHub (actually, it's recommended that you fork the project and work on your own copy).

git clone --recursive https://github.com/MY-GITHUB-USERNAME/EVERSE-ResearchSoftware.github.io 

(The --recursive is needed to get the Blowfish theme submodule.)

Assuming you intent to contribute your changes back to the main EVERSE website, it's best to now create a branch with a meaningful name, from which you will later make a pull request.


If you want to modify the content of a page, simply open the relevant markdown file and update it. Usual markdown syntax is, of course, supported. You will see use of some special Hugo shortcodes that can do some things that markdown cannot (e.g., the figure shortcode for more image handling options, the flex-columns shortcode for multi-column layouts; Blowish also has bunch of nice shortcodes to make badges, buttons, alerts, etc.).

To add new content:

Preview Changes

Run hugo serve in the base directory of your check that the changes work as you expect.

Pull Request

When you are happy, push the changes to your fork, then make a pull request back to the main EVERSE repository.

Problems? Issues?

If you see something wrong with the site, or you want to suggest a change, please open a GitHub Issue.


Graeme, Nikos and Aspa can try and help you if you get stuck.