EVaillant / lockfree-object-pool

Object Pool LockFree in Rust
Boost Software License 1.0
44 stars 2 forks source link

Lock Free Object Pool

License Cargo Documentation CI

A thread-safe object pool collection with automatic return.

Some implementations are lockfree :

Other use std::Mutex :

And NoneObjectPool basic allocation without pool.


lockfree-object-pool = "0.1"
extern crate lockfree_object_pool;


The general pool creation looks like this for

 let pool = LinearObjectPool::<u32>::new(
     ||  Default::default(), 
     |v| {*v = 0; });

And use the object pool

  let mut item = pool.pull();
  *item = 5;

At the end of the scope item return in object pool.


All implementations support same interface :

struct ObjectPool<T> {  

impl<T> ObjectPool<T> {
  // for LinearObjectPool, SpinLockObjectPool and MutexObjectPool
  // init closure used to create an element
  // reset closure used to reset element a dropped element
  pub fn new<R, I>(init: I, reset: R) -> Self
        R: Fn(&mut T) + 'static + Send + Sync,
        I: Fn() -> T + 'static + Send + Sync + Clone,

  // for NoneObjectPool
  // init closure used to create an element
  pub fn new<I>(init: I) -> Self
        I: Fn() -> T + 'static

  pub fn pull(&self) -> Reusable<T> {

  pub fn pull_owned(self: &Arc<Self>) -> OwnedReusable<T> {

struct Reusable<T> {  

impl<'a, T> DerefMut for Reusable<'a, T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {

impl<'a, T> Deref for Reusable<'a, T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

struct OwnedReusable<T> {  

impl<'a, T> DerefMut for OwnedReusable<'a, T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {

impl<'a, T> Deref for OwnedReusable<'a, T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {


All implementation support allocation/desallocation from on or more thread. You only need to wrap the pool in a [std::sync::Arc] :

 let pool = Arc::new(LinearObjectPool::<u32>::new(
     ||  Default::default(), 
     |v| {*v = 0; }));


Global report.


ObjectPool Duration in Monothreading (us) Duration Multithreading (us)
NoneObjectPool 1.2848 0.62509
MutexObjectPool 1.3107 1.5178
SpinLockObjectPool 1.3106 1.3684
LinearObjectPool 0.23732 0.38913
crate 'sharded-slab' 1.6264 0.82607
crate 'object-pool' 0.77533 0.26224

Report monothreading and multithreading

Forward Message between Thread

ObjectPool 1 Reader - 1 Writter (ns) 5 Reader - 1 Writter (ns) 1 Reader - 5 Writter (ns) 5 Reader - 5 Writter (ns)
NoneObjectPool 529.75 290.47 926.05 722.35
MutexObjectPool 429.29 207.17 909.88 409.99
SpinLockObjectPool 34.277 182.62 1089.7 483.81
LinearObjectPool 43.876 163.18 365.56 326.92
crate 'sharded-slab' 525.82 775.79 966.87 1289.2

Not supported by crate 'object-pool'

Report 1-1, 5-1, 1-5 , 5-5


ObjectPool Duration in Monothreading (ns) Duration Multithreading (ns)
NoneObjectPool 111.81 93.585
MutexObjectPool 26.108 101.86
SpinLockObjectPool 22.441 50.107
LinearObjectPool 7.5379 41.707
crate 'sharded-slab' 7.0394 10.283
crate 'object-pool' 20.517 44.798

Report monothreading and multithreading

Comparison with Similar Crates


Implementation detail



cf Boost Licence

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