EXACTsports / roster-project

Experimenting with scraping college team rosters
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Roster Data Scraping Project

:warning: Please fork this repository: Create a fork of this repository and then submit a pull request when you are ready for us to review it.

Please read this googledoc to view the project overview.

We are exploring the idea of scraping college team rosters for information on their current athletes. For this project, you will receive a spreadsheet of college team rosters. You'll import those rosters into the rosters table. You'll then write a command that will scrape those rosters and extract as much information about the athletes on the rosters as possible. The only required column for each athlete is name. Everything else is nullable. Write your scraper so that it will extract as much information as possible about each athlete. If you can extract information about atheltes that doesn't have a dedicated column in the athletes table, there's a json column called extra where you can store this data as key / value pairs. For example: ['major' => 'Engineering', 'birthday' => 'August 10, 2003'].

Don't worry much about the formatting of the data you're collecting. We will decide how to format, standardize, and validate it later. For this project, we are looking for volume of data.

Use whatever method you want to scrape. The obvious choices are the Laravel Http facade and Spatie's Browsershot. The main thing we're going to look for here is how well your solution could scale up to be used to scrape this sort of data from every college team roster in the country.

This is a bare-bones Laravel app that contains only the migrations needed for the two tables (rosters and athletes) and empty model for each. If you have a good reason for changing a migration or creating new ones, go for it. Do what you want with the models.