EarthMC / Issue-Tracker

The public issue tracker for the EarthMC Minecraft server.
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[Feature] Re-enable mcMMO double smelt ability #178

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Why exactly was double smelt taken away?

Mining is tedious, even with haste. 16g to claim a chunk, that's a whole mining trip right there for most people. Most people don't want to go keep constantly going on mining trips to just claim 1 chunk of land.

You can't just outright remove double smelt. Bring it back, por favor.

ghost commented 5 years ago


TypicalFernie commented 5 years ago


Renarchat commented 5 years ago


32Gold commented 5 years ago


MineHero43 commented 5 years ago


Side note: The realism argument makes absolutely no sense, why not completely remove Mcmmo or the towny plugin if we’re trying to keep things realistic.

shirazmatas commented 5 years ago

Double smelt should just be replaced with a set 1.5x modifier so not to punish noobs :syn:

Coffeetom commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago

Keep it as double. Makes ore trades, which are useful for new players, a decent idea.

IanOlliffe commented 5 years ago


Both double drop and double smelt need to stay within the game. You see, many of us have ambitions to build cities that will require a decent plot of land, but a lot of us also don't want to spend 100% of our time on the server mining. It is almost essential to have the double drop and smelt around

L4certa commented 5 years ago


We only play the server because it has the mcmmo benefits, other wise whats the point? If you want realism your going to need to remove mcmmo completely along with the Nether and the End and Endermen and Phantoms and Skeletons and Zombies and so much more. NO ONE is joining EMC because they want to play in a realer than real roleplay Minecraft server theny just want to have fun. This is ridiculous and is/will negatively affect this servers player base.

RoJoGuapo commented 5 years ago


SignatureChewy commented 5 years ago

Leveling mining and repair takes time and resources. Double smelt is an incentive for players to spend time on the server and develop their stats. The dynamic that occurs when high stat players smelt the ores of low stat players creates a healthy environmemt by promoting trade and establishing a nation's industrial sector. If anything, enabling double smelt is actually MORE realistic than not enabling it because it symbolizes the investment made when real world countries pour time/resources into improving their manufacturing technology.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Leveling mining and repair takes time and resources. Double smelt is an incentive for players to spend time on the server and develop their stats. The dynamic that occurs when high stat players smelt the ores of low stat players creates a healthy environmemt by promoting trade and establishing a nation's industrial sector. If anything, enabling double smelt is actually MORE realistic than not enabling it because it symbolizes the investment made when real world countries pour time/resources into improving their manufacturing technology. I agree

Arganog commented 5 years ago

Nobody has ever said that double smelt was turned off "for realism" - that has not entered the equation at all. It would be better to phrase arguments for or against Double Smelt in regards to whether or not it is fair and balanced for our gold economy. As I understand, the Admins feel that the mcmmo abilities that increase gold were too OP/unbalanced for use on this server Examples: Mcmmo salvage of gold items Mcmmo mining double-triple drops of gold ore and now Mcmmo double smelt

On EMC Classic, a max-leveled mcmmo mining and smelting player could turn 1 gold ore into 6 gold ingots (triple drops then double smelt)

Arganog commented 5 years ago

Personally, I like double smelt and think it should be re-enabled. It gives an incentive to level up mining and repair and gives more committed/long term players an advantage without being so much of an advantage that new players cannot catch up.

I agree with the mcmmo mining double/triple drops of gold ore being permanently disabled, because being used in conjunction with double smelt that was too much of an advantage

Renarchat commented 5 years ago

I would put back double drops, but with a very slower progression curve, like every level 0.01% or something

MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

I personally think double drops is a little too OP, if it is re added then disable for gold imo. However double smelt is something which should be re enabled and in my opinion shouldn’t have been something which was even considered to be removed in the first place.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Nobody has ever said that double smelt was turned off "for realism" - that has not entered the equation at all.

I know, no admin has said it. Some players were saying it and I really didn't have anything to write, so I wrote it.

As I understand, the Admins feel that the mcmmo abilities that increase gold were too OP/unbalanced for use on this server Examples: Mcmmo salvage of gold items Mcmmo mining double-triple drops of gold ore and now Mcmmo double smelt

Double-triple drops of gold ore have already been disabled, I'm sure you can get away with disabling salvage as well - since not that many people use it. The thing admins cant get away with removing is double smelt, as the others have said; it gives an incentive to lvl up their mining and repair skills.

TypicalFernie commented 5 years ago

Double drops should be re added but not for gold. Its useful for other ores especially for quartz. I need over 400 stacks of quartz and double drops would extremely help :pls:

MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

We’re literally complaining here because we need it for gold, it should be enabled for everything. You have to work for it.

Fix mentioned it being re-enabled but nerfed meaning you’d need to do a bit more grinding to get that 100%.

Honestly I’m perfectly fine with that

TypicalFernie commented 5 years ago

"Double drops"

MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

I’m retarded :(

ghost commented 5 years ago


MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

Anyway if double smelt is re-added, I think it should be done sooner than later. I know of some players who have either stopped mining completely or are saving their gold ore, in hopes that it will return and they can get the benefits..

32Gold commented 5 years ago

What do you expect Minehero. This is EMC they’re not going to give you a timely and proper answer lol. People are going to screw themselves smelting ores now if double smelt comes back

ghost commented 5 years ago

From what I was told from Karl, it should have never been added in the first place. It was a fault within the config so it was backpedaled.

Karl's definitely seen this thread.

CorgiPaws commented 5 years ago

Eugh, everything about this server is becoming less convenient. There are some people out there that would rather be able to get on and build, if you are going to disable double drops, fine. It is inconvenient but fine. Just keep it on for other things, quartz and what not, we are here to have fun, not spend forever busting our asses trying to gather resources. Not everyone is on around the clock grinding away.

CorgiPaws commented 5 years ago

It is also important to remember that these tickets are echo chambers, these tickets are really innacurate ways to gauge what the player wants, the teleportation removal ticket was an example of that. When I did a survey majority of people were against the idea, but on the issue channel most people supported it.

KarlOfDuty commented 5 years ago

I do indeed read every comment on the issue tracker. I am not convinced about the double smelt ability being added back in. I do feel like the double drops ability would be much better as it works on things like quartz as some have mentioned. There is no reason to make gathering building materials more grindy, only gold must be kept in check so town claiming and creating nations doesn't get too easy.

FutureLemon commented 5 years ago

I'd prefer if it was turned on, because I want to build but it takes twice as long that double smelt got turned off...

MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

I mean we literally conducted a poll where over 100 people voted in favour of re enabling double smelt.

Double smelt didn’t make claiming “too easy” it, just made the hours which we put into mining more rewarding and manageable, without double smelt you’re just making it more grindy which has already been mentioned above.

Also bare in mind that caves and gold hot spots won’t last forever, that and the removal of double smelt just fuels to making gold gathering even more challenging for players who are already struggling. Double smelt at least somewhat simplified that issue.

If the majority players who actually have to grind for gold and spend hours of mining want double smelt turned back on, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be.

BennyBurst commented 5 years ago

What is the meaning of grinding up to lvl 1000 in mining and repair, if you cant salvage, and you cant doublesmelt. I used 3 stacks of diamond blocks to get my repair up, so i can doublesmelt. The same day i hit 1000 smelting, it get disabled, with no warning, and no announcement.

Karlofduty told me its not a big update, so it doesnt need any announcement. Not only is doubledrop on gold disabled, but all doubledrop in general is removed. No nerf, just completely removed. The whole meaning of miningskill is gone. The meaning with smeltingskill is gone. The meaning with salvage for all items is gone, not just gold but all of it. That means that the skill of fishing is basicly useless.

I had an issue with witherskellektons not spawning in nether, after the server reopened after the economy issue. Just pigzombies and magma were spawning. I told karl about it, he told me they didnt do anything about it. But later on, he found out it was disabled, but he re-enabled it. I didnt notise any difference, so i told him, im not getting any witherskelly spawns, just pigzombie, and getting tons of gold.

He told me I wassnt suppose to get any gold from them, so he logged on, and disabled that aswell. But that either doesnt need an announcement.

This means, the only way of getting gold to expand your town 1 chunk, is to go and mine 16 ore of gold. Or vote for 2 days. or have some luck with fishing, its like 0,0001 % chance of getting gold ingots from it. Dont tell admins, cus they are gonna disable fishing aswell.


lucasw2011 commented 5 years ago

I think the staff need to stop inforcing the realistic game play I think people just want to play the game like on the last map where people could have vast empires and gold would double drop and double smelt

I think if you guys don’t let up someone will make another spin off server and this time people will actually go. Classic could handle spin off servers because it was better than all of the competitors but this map and new style of running the server. I don’t think will hold up as easy.

People keep demonstrating that they don’t want to play by the new style that you guys have implemented, most groups don’t want to work together look at eruope all those nations in one spot. THEY DONT WANNA WORK TOGETHER! lol

ghost commented 5 years ago

only gold must be kept in check so town claiming and creating nations doesn't get too easy.

Karl, you’re not the one spending hours grinding repair mcmmo and you’re not the one spending countless of hours mining. So frankly, I don’t think you have the right to take away double smelt just because you feel like it’s too OP when you haven’t even grinded for it.

MineHero was able to make the First Nation so quickly because all he literally did on early access was mine and mine.

In addition to that, what’s all of this bull crap about keeping gold in check when you guys literally enabled pigmen dropping gold nuggets for a day or two. People literally said on the game chat that they earned hundreds of golds from a little mistake on your side.

No, double smelt is fair and square. Removing double-triple drop for gold is fair, that one is too op. However, double smelt itself isn’t OP. As so much people have said, you need to grind a shit ton for that sweet 100% double smelt chance. Then you guys take it away without any warnings, and don’t say that you said it on beta. Not everyone played beta, it should’ve been on the announcement pinned from the start. You guys are making so much mistakes, jesus fucking Christ.

Magenent commented 5 years ago

Also people who have grinded repair to get double smelt have grinded for weeks in total across everyone and have had to spend massive amounts of iron and diamonds. I know for certain that I spent at least 2 stacks of diamonds to just grind my repair level and at least 4 hours, its taking away hours of grinding and resources themselves like iron and diamond we should at least be refunded if double smelt isn't brought back.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I am not convinced about the double smelt ability being added back in.

You’re not convinced? Literally 99% of people who play on your server want double smelt to be added back. You shouldn’t have to be convinced if WAY more then HALF of players want it back, even your own moderations want it back.

Stop acting dictator, this is a Minecraft server.

32Gold commented 5 years ago

He didn’t address anything, he just said he’s not convinced to give the easiest answer.

It’s amazing how because Karl mentioned this in a donator chat weeks ago (either the donator chat on discord or early access in game), that justifies disabling double smelt when so many players utilize it and want it back.

These tickets aren’t going to do anything, they don’t care how many people protest, since they have no competition. Eventually, if they keep giving half-assed answers for things everyone is asking about, and disregarding how the PLAYERS want to PLAY the game, there will be.

ghost commented 5 years ago

He didn’t address anything, he just said he’s not convinced to give the easiest answer.

It’s amazing how because Karl mentioned this in a donator chat weeks ago (either the donator chat on discord or early access in game), that justifies disabling double smelt when so many players utilize it and want it back.

These tickets aren’t going to do anything, they don’t care how many people protest, since they have no competition. Eventually, if they keep giving half-assed answers for things everyone is asking about, and disregarding how the PLAYERS want to PLAY the game, there will be.

I could have just missed it, but I never saw a thing about Double Smelt

Pengun78 commented 5 years ago

Be an epic gamer and bring it back

Pengun78 commented 5 years ago

We need to rise and grind for the bread not the gold

FutureLemon commented 5 years ago should say enough....

TypicalFernie commented 5 years ago

Karl you're saying that gold is too easy to get with double smelt, when in reality it isn't. Not only you have to grind for hours to get 100% double smelt, but finding gold, especially now, takes forever. The east coast is dry asf. All the caves are dry. There's mines in every y level. Im sure a lot of other places are like this too. I find a gold vein every 10 minutes with eff 5 AND haste 2 pots, just imagine without it. Also most veins are 1 or 2 gold. Your also claiming that nations are popping up really fast and double smelt is the reason why. But minehero, terra, and I didn't have the benefit of a high level double smelt when we made the nations. We also spent hours mining, time other people don't have. Nations were either created because of someone who spent hours or days mining gold or communities that gathered the gold together. "Double smelt is too OP" is not the reason.

CorgiPaws commented 5 years ago

Gold is really not easy to come by, I can mine for hours and turn up very little. As is things are not rewarding, as is for many a player it feels as though since this release it has very much been the slow tightening of walls, like that Disney Land haunted house, where the walls slowly press in on you. It feels too restrictive, and everything such as this just pushes back someone’s project, means that those involved have to spend a few more hours, a few more days maybe grinding to get something built, or claim over something they have built. Over time gold will become harder and harder to find, and with 150ish players on nearly daily gold levels are already bound to go down quickly.

KarlOfDuty commented 5 years ago

Yes, I guess the boost of gold is likely to be from the many issues we have recently had with both the economy plugin and other gold related stuff such as the zombie pigman stuff.

Renarchat commented 5 years ago

we are getting short of gold everywhere tbh at this rate we wont have any gold left by may

lucasw2011 commented 5 years ago

Lol this map has been a HUGE disappointment from Announcing it so early that it prematurely killed emc classic to it not being ready at release then we find out that the game play isn’t the same with a claim cap and less gold and now rumor is that you guys aren’t going to even add the end. If the server was like this before I probably wouldn’t have donated to the server. Lol and when I state my complaints i’m Told to go play classic. But wait it’s broken. Every time you do a command you get kicked and all the textures are messed up. Anyway i’m Just really unhappy with how things are going lol

Pengun78 commented 5 years ago

Double smelt

MineHero43 commented 5 years ago

This github has become a place for players to express general disappointments about the server which the disabling of double smelt is just one of many.

This GitHub has been open for almost a week and the fact that it still hasn’t been re-enabled or that we haven’t even gotten an update on the situation yet just shows how much the leadership care about our input and value our opinion.

Honestly I do find it quite saddening that Karl isn’t convinced when the vast majority of players want something so simple to be re-added, the fact that he doesn’t care about bad publicity and hate is the exact traits which a server manager should not have.

I hope the emc leadership including Karl stop this attitude of disregarding the opinon of players and telling players who criticise the current precedent to “Go play classic” or “Don’t play the server” Some players above have already stated the extremes which may follow if they don’t.

Like many players here, I’m quite fond of emc and simply want to see the server improve in areas where it can.

Arganog commented 5 years ago

This GitHub has been open for almost a week and the fact that it still hasn’t been re-enabled or that we haven’t even gotten an update on the situation yet just shows how much the leadership care about our input and value our opinion.

This issue has been open for 3 days. Karl responded to it 9 hours ago and is obviously reading all of the comments. The fact that this forum even exists indicates that they care about feedback and suggestions. Otherwise it would just be a Discord Announcement of changes that have been made, like in the past.

Honestly I do find it quite saddening that Karl isn’t convinced when the vast majority of players want something so simple to be re-added

Doubling the amount of gold in the economy is not something simple, and of course the vast majority of players (myself included) want more gold, that's like saying "people want more money" - If the Admins feel that town claims and nations need to be more valuable, however, they will need to enact a policy that isn't popular with the majority. If the majority ruled this server then it would be an anarchy server.

lucasw2011 commented 5 years ago

Lol or the majority leaves