EarthObservation / rvt-arcgis-pro

ArcGIS Pro Relief Visualization Toolbox Raster Functions
Apache License 2.0
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Relief Visualization Toolbox ArcGIS Pro Python Raster Functions

Relief Visualization Toolbox was produced to help scientist visualize raster elevation model datasets. We have narrowed down the selection to include techniques that have proven to be effective for identification of small scale features. Default settings therefore assume working with high resolution digital elevation models, derived from airborne laser scanning missions (lidar).


For ArcGIS Pro use, download repository, rename repository directory to rvt-arcgis-pro and copy it to:

<ArcGIS Pro install path>/Resources/Raster/Functions/Custom

Usually the path is:

c:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Pro/Resources/Raster/Functions/Custom

For Server use, copy the whole repository folder (rvt-arcgis-pro) to every federated Server machine of your enterprise Setup:

<ArcGIS Server install path> /framework/runtime/ArcGIS/Resources/Raster/Functions/Custom

Run/restart ArcGIS Pro. Open pane Raster functions:

Imagery > Raster functions

Under Raster functions pane you will have tab Custom where will be rvt-arcgis-pro directory with RVT raster functions.


Documentation of the package and its usage is available at Relief Visualization Toolbox in Python documentation.


When using the tools, please cite:


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please report any bugs and suggestions for improvements.


Development of RVT was part financed by the European Commission's Culture Programme through the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe project and by the Slovenian Research Agency core funding No. P2-0406, and by research projects No. J6-7085 and No. J6-9395.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License.


RVT Raster functions for ArcGIS by Žiga Kokalj, Žiga Maroh, Krištof Oštir and Guenter Doerffel, 2022. Developed in collaboration among ZRC SAZU, University of Ljubljana and Esri.