EasyRPG / EV0002

Channel bot in #easyrpg on Libera Chat using the cinch framework
ISC License
4 stars 1 forks source link


The channel bot in #easyrpg on Libera Chat, provides logs, pizza and a lot of other stuff.

It is is written in ruby, using the cinch bot framework (our legacy EV0001 bot was written from scratch). It runs with older rubies, is not compatible with the current version ruby 3.


Needed gems besides cinch are (see Gemfile for details):

You can use bundler to install them and their dependencies.

$ bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
$ bundle config set --local clean true
$ bundle install

For Arch Linux replace bundle with bundle2.7.

Secret values (passwords and such) are read from a file secrets.yml on startup. A template is provided, you need to copy it and fill in the values or remove all references to $secrets and fill in the values directly.


$ ./EV0002

This helper script tries to detect if you installed the gems locally with bundler and will run EV0002 in bundler environment if needed.

If your system is recent, it will ship with a newer version of ruby, we recommend using rvm or rbenv to install and use ruby 2.7.6 for the time being, a .ruby-version file is provided.


This bot and plugins were written by carstene1ns and the EV0002 authors. They are licensed under the ISC license, see LICENSE file for details. There are a few exceptions to the license, see Acknowledgements sections for details.


plugins/http_server.rb by Quintus, under LGPL license - from https://github.com/Quintus/cinch-plugins

plugins/logplus.rb by Quintus, under LGPL license - from https://github.com/Quintus/cinch-plugins
