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Lcfviz Feature Request - Detailed map visualization #72

Open jetrotal opened 1 year ago

jetrotal commented 1 year ago

Would be nice if we could extract more info from maps before displaying them in lcfviz, like, event coordinate and 🔒 conditions to teleport...

image image

strict digraph G {
node [shape="none" fontsize="10" fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" shape="record"];

1 [label="  <0> 🌐 | { Airship | <1> x14 y14 \n\n 🔒 var[0030] \<= 10 | <2> x10 y95 }" ]

2 [label="  <0> 🌐 | { Room | <1> x10 y95 }" ]

3 [label="  <0> 🌐 | { Return to Earth | <1> x110 y50 }" ];

4 [label="  <0> 🌐 | { HQ At Airship | <1> x10 y95 | <2> x100 y250  }" ]

1:1 -> 2:0 [dir=both];
1:2 -> 4:2 [dir=both];
2:1 -> 3:0 [dir=both];
3:1 -> 4:1 [dir=both];

Ghabry commented 1 year ago

Condition to teleport is very hard to figure out because the condition can be anywhere. Simple case is: It is inside the same event but for more fun it could be an indirect call through Call Event.

From a Theoretical computer science PoV the problem is very likely undecidable for most cases.

But determining the coordinate is possible when the values are constant.