EasyRPG / Tools

Assorted tools to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 files
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EasyRPG Tools

EasyRPG Tools is a suite of small file related applications to use and convert RPG Maker 2000/2003 files.

EasyRPG Tools is part of the EasyRPG Project. More information is available at the project website:


Tool details

These are the currently available tools:

Daily builds

Up to date binaries are available at:


Source code

EasyRPG Tools development is hosted by GitHub, project files are available in Git repositories.


Note for Windows developers

This only applies to git checkouts: The individual tool directories may share common configuration and external libraries. These have been symlinked from the toplevel directory. To enable these sysmlinks in git you need to have either a recent Windows version (10, build 14972 or 11), on which you can enable Developer Mode OR need to edit the user rights with Group policy editor to enable symlink creation. Then, when using msysgit, there is a checkbox for symlink support, alternatively the following command needs to be executed once to enable them globally: git config --global core.symlinks true



./bootstrap # (only needed if using a git checkout)
make install # (optionally)

You may tweak build parameters and environment variables, run ./configure --help for reference.


cmake -B builddir
cmake --build builddir
cmake --install builddir # (optionally)


The EasyRPG Tools are free software under different licenses. Read the LICENSE file available in the respective tool directories for details.