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xyz2png and xyz thumbnailer fail to load some xyz files #75

Open Mimigris opened 1 year ago

Mimigris commented 1 year ago

While xyz2png and xyz thumbnailer should be able to load almost every xyz file available, it seems that some files are currently not able to be loaded. Those files work normally in the RPG_RT and in the Player, so they should normally still be recognized correctly. You can check the files in question here: xyz-files-issue.zip

They all come from Yume 2kki, and loading them through xyz2png will just stop the program, while xyz thumbnailer will not be able to render them. I've also included png versions of said files, converted through RPG Maker since I was not able to convert them through xyz2png as previously mentioned.

Note: pc yumegamen 03-175-old.xyz is not used in-game, so I have not tested to render it in-game, but RPG Maker still recognizes it if renamed to something shorter and I was able to convert it normally through RPG Maker.

fdelapena commented 1 year ago

The reason here is simple: they are actually PNG, but using .xyz extension. Player checks header files and ignores the extension.

xyz2png only accepts xyz as input. Because they are png, it bails out telling they are not xyz, I'd say this is the expected behavior. Regarding the thumbnailer, Windows uses the thumbnailer based on extension, making them fail. The linux thumbnailers are mime magic (header based), so they are assigned properly and work fine.