EatMoreCode / Telegram-Bot

Perl module to make creating new Telegram bots easy
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Telegram::Bot - A base class to make your very own Telegram bot


version 0.022


NOTE: This API should not yet be considered stable.

Creating a bot is easy:

package MyBot;

use Mojo::Base 'Telegram::Bot::Brain';

has token => 'YOURTOKENHERE';

# send a polite reply, to either a group or a single user,
# depending on where we were addressed from
sub _be_polite {
  my ($self, $msg) = @_;

  return unless $msg->text =~ /hello/;

  # is this a 1-on-1 ?
  if ($msg->chat->is_user) {
    $msg->reply("hello there");

    # send them a picture as well
    $self->sendPhoto({chat_id => $msg->chat->id, photo => $image_filename});
  # group chat
  else {
    $msg->reply("hello to everyone!");

# setup our bot
sub init {
  my $self = shift;


Now just:

perl -MMyBot -E 'MyBot->new->think'

and you've got yourself a stew, baby! Or a bot, anyway.

Note that for the bot to see messages that do not start with a leading '/', you will need to use the '/setprivacy' command on Telegram's @botfather interface to change the privacy settings.


This distribution's ex/ directory contains some complete examples that may be instructive to look at.


Justin Hawkins


This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Justin Hawkins.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.