Eaton-Corp / Lightning-Pro

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The following repo is used to store and version Lightning Pro app as part of Eaton's Initiative to go digital.

Get Started

Follow these steps to start working with this repository:

  1. Install Git Bash: If you haven't already, install Git Bash. If this is your first time using Git, this video tutorial can help you get started.

  2. Open the Git Bash Terminal: You'll be using this to run the commands.

  3. Work Around EATON SSL Verification:

    • Option 1 (PREFERRED): Use the following commands to fetch the certificate and add it to Git's list of trusted certificates. Replace with your server's address and port.

      # Fetch the certificate
      echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/git_cert.pem
      # Add it to Git's list of trusted certs
      git config --global http.sslCAInfo /tmp/git_cert.pem
    • Option 2 (DEPRECATED): Run the following command to turn off SSL verification. This is not recommended as it can lead to security issues.

      git config --global http.sslVerify "false"
  4. Clone the Repository: Use the following command to clone the repository:

    git clone

Start Developing

Alright! Alright! Hold your horses noww! You must be excited to get coding, but you gotta set up some configs first.

  1. Before your able to successfully start ensure that you have the following dependencies installed on your computer.

    • Microsoft Access 32-bit
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (includes Nuget, C# and WPF)
  2. Please open the config located at \Local_Config and change the field to ensure the repository location matches your local machines path e.g {path to repository} = C:\Users\e0637402\Repos Note: This is the file path for the documenters PC your's will have a different path.

  3. Make sure on boot of lightning Pro you select the config file which is stored in this repository under /Local_Config.

  4. You should be good to go from here. Happy Coding!!

Branching Strategy

Woahh there boi. Before you start adding code willy nilly make sure your branching correctly.

  1. Create your own branch with the following command git branch {your_branch_name}

  2. Now you must checkout your branch so you can make your changes git checkout {your_branch_name}

  3. Write your code, commit your changes, then commit to your branch.

  4. When your code has been pushed you will see the option "Compare and Pull Request" on the main page. More info can be found on how to set up PR's here

  5. Send your PR to atleast 1 engineer on the team to ensure changes are functional and correct

  6. Finally if your changes got approved, LGTM!! Merge the changes into the main branch.

  7. Monitor for issues relating to change.


So you wrote your code made your changes and got them merged into master. Now it's time to release your changes to the world. Time to generate some releases. We use squirrel to generate the binaries and the corresponding setup.exe file.

  1. Ensure that the code in MainWindow.xaml.cs is uncommented.

  2. Update the ReleaseSpec.nuspec file with the updated version number, the author name, and release description. Follow the release naming scheme where small iterations (bug fixes) and changes should be followed by an increase of one to the right most number ie 2.1.1 in this case. Substantial increases such as feature additions should be followed by changes to the middle number ie 2.2.0 and finally major version revisions and overhauls should be followed by version revisions ie 3.0.0. Note: Ensure that your changes to the nuspec file are saved.

  3. Create the nuspec package with the following command: .\nuget pack ReleaseSpec.nuspec

  4. Now it's time to actually generate your binaries. Use the following command: Squirrel --releasify PRL123_Final.2.1.1.nupkg --releaseDir "C:\SquirrelReleases" Note: PRL123_Final.2.1.1.nupkg is the name of the release and 2.1.1 is the revision number and the Release directory is a directory on you local machine which in this case is "C:\SquirrelReleases"

  5. Now to ensure that everyone is on the same page upload the release onto github by creating a new release. Ensure that you upload the new binaries and the setup.exe file onto the github repository. Name the tag as well as the Name of the release after the version number. Ensure you add what changes are included in the release in the description.


Once releases are generated next step is to deploy. Steps for that can be found at the Lightning-Pro-Deploy