EbenSorkin / Merriweather4

This will be the new home of Merriweather when the build process is successful. Until then it is a testbed only.
SIL Open Font License 1.1
8 stars 2 forks source link

New version and a sort of " #6

Closed LauraMeseguer closed 11 months ago

LauraMeseguer commented 1 year ago

I'm uploading a new version on Github, where I worked on all the characters you marked with light orange. Those I consider ready are marked in Dark Green, the ones in Purple are not clear yet, till I test them on text. There are 3 characters I can't interpolate: thook and whook and beta-latin.sc. In this new version, you will only see the Narrow Masters. In order to generate fonts to be tested in InDesign I had to discriminate some characters from Exporting.

My questions are: Till which point I should ignore optimizing spacing and kerning? Should I test the fonts without improving it? (it's hard)