EbenSorkin / Merriweather4

This will be the new home of Merriweather when the build process is successful. Until then it is a testbed only.
SIL Open Font License 1.1
7 stars 1 forks source link

Setting up your font

My Font

Description of your font goes here. We recommend to start with a very short presentation line (the kind you would use on twitter to present your project for example), and then add as much details as necesary :-) Origin of the project, idea of usage, concept of creation… but also number of masters, axes, character sets, etc.

Don't hesitate to create images!

Sample Image


Description of you and/or organisation goes here.


Fonts are built automatically by GitHub Actions - take a look in the "Actions" tab for the latest build.

If you want to build fonts manually on your own computer:

The proof files and QA tests are also available automatically via GitHub Actions - look at https://EbenSorkin.github.io/Merriweather4.


When you update your font (new version or new release), please report all notable changes here, with a date. Font Versioning is based on semver. Changelog example:

26 May 2021. Version 2.13


This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at https://scripts.sil.org/OFL

Repository Layout

This font repository structure is inspired by Unified Font Repository v0.3, modified for the Google Fonts workflow.