Break the Ice brings together a collection of questions that help visitors learn more about each other and themselves. Inspired by the questions of the day that we answer as a cohort (thanks Zakariah!), our app allows users to track life’s most interesting, random, and fun details.
Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Heroku, GitHub, Lucidchart, EJS, Javascript, and CSS.
Link to the app: Break the Ice
Link to the planning board: Trello
Break the Ice opens with an index page showing all the icebreaker-style questions that users have submitted, ordered by topic and the number of responses. Each icebreaker includes a link to a detail page where users can view all the responses submitted for that question.
On each detail page, users can also delete the icebreaker, submit a response, delete a response, or edit a response. The user also has the option to edit the icebreaker, but only if there have been no answers submitted.