Abyssal Descent
Run on forge 47.3.10
Join the Discord for more information
This project is still in development, read Known Issues
PR's and Issues welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md
Dependencies: make
, curl
, awk
, JDK 17
make all # downloads mods, builds from source, and applies overrides
EXPORT_DIR="path/to/.minecraft/" make export # copies build dir to your instance
When rebuilding run the following to grab the newest changes and delete the old build.
git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master && make clean
For Windows 11:
1. Install [WSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install)
**TLDR:** Open PowerShell as admin and run `wsl --install`. This will likely require a reboot.
2. Open WSL by running `wsl` in the shell, then install `make`, `curl`, `git, and `openjdk-17-jdk`
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install make curl git openjdk-17-jdk`
3. Clone the repo and `cd` into it
git clone https://github.com/Eclipse-Ilx/Abyssal-Descent
cd Abyssal-Descent
4. Follow the build instructions above.
Windows uses `\` for paths and `C:\` for the mountpoint, so you'll need to adjust the paths.
`C:\Users\user\Documents\` becomes `/mnt/c/Users/user/Documents/`
> **Note:**
> Windows uses `\r\n` as line separators. If you've cloned the repo outside of WSL, you'll need to remove the `\r`.
> ```bash
> find . -type f -name Makefile -exec sed -i 's/\r//' {} \;
> ```
For Windows 10:
1. Install [Cygwin](https://cygwin.com/)
2. Select `Install from Internet`, choosing the install location.
Pick where you want the `Local Package Direcotry` to be,
then select `Use System Proxy Settings` and choose a download site.
(I don't think it matters which one you choose.)
3. Change `Pending` to `Full` and search for `git`, `make`, `gawk`, and `curl`.
For each package change `Skip` to the latest version.
Hit next, next, then finish.
Be sure to make a shortcut when it asks you to, unless you're already familiar with Cygwin.
4. Download the MSI Installer for the [JDK 17](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/) and skip through the wizard.
5. Open `Cygwin64 Terminal`, then run the following commands (Right click to copy paste).
git clone https://github.com/Eclipse-Ilx/Abyssal-Descent
cd Abyssal-Descent
make all
This will build the pack, which will now be in the `build` directory.
6. Move the contents of the pack to the Launcher of your choice.
This can either be done through `EXPORT_DIR="path/to/dir" make export` or manually through your file manager.