EcoCor / ecocor-api

eXist extension providing REST API for EcoCor
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eXist extension providing REST API for EcoCor

Getting started

git clone
cd ecocor-api
docker compose up

We provide a compose.yml that allows to run an eXist database with ecocor-api locally. With Docker installed simply run:

docker compose up

This builds the necessary images and starts the respective docker containers. The eXist database will become available under http://localhost:8090/. To check that the EcoCor API is up run

curl http://localhost:8090/exist/restxq/ecocor/info

Building the eXist extension

For packaging the ecocor-api code into an eXist extension archive (XAR) Apache Ant is required. (On macOS it can be installed with homebrew: brew install ant.)

Simply running


creates an ecocor-x.x.x.xar archive in the build directory. This can be installed into an existing eXist DB instance.

Visual Studio Code integration

The existdb-vscode extension allows for developing XQuery code targeted at eXistdb and sync it with a running database instance. We provide a configuration template that integrates VS Code with the eXist instance from docker compose. Run

ant existdb.json
# or
cp .existdb.json.tmpl .existdb.json
# and edit the docker.port placeholder

to create a configuration file. For usage details see the extension's documentation.