Ecodenl / Woningdossier

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To contribute to this project you must assign copyright of your contribution to Econobis B.V. To do this, include the following filled-in copyright assignment form in your patch: Individual contributor assignment agreement

Econobis B.V. is 100% daughter of Coöperatieve Vereniging Energie Coöperaties op Orde UA. More information can be viewed on

Why all this legal stuff ?

We want clean renewable energy. We want a digital energy market which is democratic controlled, fair and accessible for all people at all times. We are cooperatives, because we believe that members, in our case normal people, are the owners of everything we do. That is why we choose for Open Source software. It is also democratic, fair and accessible for everybody. But we want to make sure that it remains Open Source. That is why we need the legal stuff.

Tech: Setup

The server

There are multiple ways to get the development environment up and running. How you run it is a matter of taste.


The application

PHP version

PHP 7.4 is the current targeted version as this is the lowest actively supported PHP version.


The Hoomdossier is based on Laravel 6.0 LTS. Our goal is to confirm as much as possible to the conventions by the framework (i.e. PSR-4 autoloading).

Code conventions

We follow the Symfony coding standards. This is persuaded via PHP-CS-Fixer. How to install PHP CS Fixer


We try to use as much of the translation files as possible, these will be stored in the database with the following commands.

1: php artisan translations:import
2: php artisan languageline:to-question-structure --groups-to-convert=cooperation/tool/general-data/building-characteristics

Laravel translations import