EdCo95 / scientific-paper-summarisation

Machine learning models to automatically summarise scientific papers
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automatic-summarization machine-learning natural-language-processing python scientific-papers

Automatic Summarisation of Scientific Papers

Have you ever had to do a literature review as part of a research project and thought "I wish there was a quicker way of doing this"? This code aims to create that quicker way by developing a supervised-learning based extractive summarisation system for the summarisation of scientific papers.

For more information on the project, please see:

Ed Collins, Isabelle Augenstein, Sebastian Riedel. A Supervised Approach to Extractive Summarisation of Scientific Papers. To appear in Proceedings of CoNLL, July 2017.

Ed Collins. A supervised approach to extractive summarisation of scientific papers. UCL MEng thesis, May 2017.

Code Description

The various code files and folders are described here. Note that the data used is not uploaded here but nonetheless the repository is still over 1GB in size.

Running the Code

Before attempting to run this code you should setup a suitable virtualenv using Python 2.7. Install all of the requirements listed in requirements.txt with pip install -r requirements.txt.

To download the dataset and preprocess it into the form used to train the models in the paper, first run DataDownloader/acquire_data.py. This will download all of the papers and parse them into the form used - with sections separated by a special symbol - "@&#" - so that the papers can be read as strings then split into sections and titles by splitting on this symbol.

To turn these downloaded papers into training data, run DataTools/DataPreprocessing/cspubsumext_creator.py. This will take a while to run depending on your machine and number of cores (~2 hours on late 2016 MacBook Pro with dual core i7) but will handle creating all of the necessary files to train models. These are stored by default in Data/Training_Data/, with there being an individual JSON file for each paper and a single JSON file called all_data.json which is a list of all of the individual items of training data. This code now uses the ultra-fast uJSON library which reads the data much faster than the previous version which used pickle.

All of the models and summarisers should then be usable.

Be sure to check that all of the paths are correctly set! These are in DataDownloader/acquire_data.py for downloading papers, and in DataTools/useful_functions.py otherwise.

NOTE: The code in DataTools/DataPreprocessing/AbstractNetPreprocessor.py is still unpleasently inefficient and is still currently used in the summarisers themselves. The next code update will fix this and streamline the process of running the trained summarisers.

Other Notes

If you have read or are reading the MEng thesis or CoNLL paper corresponding to this code, then SAFNet = SummariserNet, SFNet = SummariserNetV2, SNet = LSTM, SAF+F Ens = EnsembleSummariser, S+F Ens = EnsembleV2Summariser.