EdisonLabs-Inc / CodeViz-Public

A public repository for filling issues and feature requests for CodeViz
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CodeViz | Visual codebase map

Reporting Issues

We actively monitor this repository for bug reports and feature requests. To add your own, create a new Issue using the "Issues" tab above.

Want immediate support? Message us on discord: https://discord.gg/De3BpSQkGH


CodeViz builds a visual map of your codebase for faster understanding and navigation. Engineers spend over half of their day reading existing code to gather context - we're fixing that.


Additional features are provided for teams under the business or enterprise plans. Please reach out to liam@codeviz.ai for additional information.


Install from the VS Code Marketplace.


  1. Open a project in VS Code
  2. Click the CodeViz icon in the sidebar
  3. Select the 'Control Flow' or 'Architecture' view - the control flow view updates with your cursor's position
  4. Click graph nodes to jump to relevant sections of the code

If the control flow view is not appearing, please ensure you have the relevant VS Code extension for the language(s) you are using.

Data & Privacy

We don't store any of your code. We do use LLMs and use some sections of code to prompt Claude/OpenAI. The only information we collect is telemetry data (i.e. time spent using CodeViz) - this lets us know if people like our product. You can turn off telemetry using the command "CodeViz: Disable Analytics."

Please reach out to liam@codeviz.ai with any questions.


We believe the biggest barrier to building software fast is code navigation and understanding, which is why we're building CodeViz.

Hacked together by Liam & Will from EdisonLabs, Inc.