EduardvonBriesen / mememuc

Launcher project for the MemeMuc bonus project of OMM WS22/23
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This is a meme generator for the Online Multimedia lecture at LMU Munich.

Getting Started



We use pnpm to install dependencies. The repo is setup as a workspace, so you only need to run the following command once:

pnpm install


The following command will start the backend and frontend in development mode:

pnpm dev

To start the DB as well, run:

pnpm start

MemeMuc Launcher

This repository is a template to unify the meme generator bonus project submissions for the Online Multimedia Lecture in the winter semester 2023/24 at LMU Munich.

Any submission must be runnable without additional adaptions by executing

cd mememuc-launcher && npm run installall && npm start

The template contains two folders that are relevant to you. Your implementation is supposed to go in these two folders.

Currently, both folder are filled with some dummy projects.

When you replace the ./node-backend dummy project with your own implementation, there are two pieces of code which you need to re-include from the dummy project:

The other two folders must not be changed!

Regarding the other two folder, node-backend and react-frontend, you are free to edit everything. However if you want to use a database and include demodata in your submission, it makes sense to stick to the code that connects the backend to the in-memory database (see comments at the top of node-backend/app.js)

How To Use

During Development

During development we recommend to run the two projects (./node-backend and ./react-frontend) individually. However if you prefer, you can use the NodeJS scripts from ./mememuc-launcher during development too, with the following commands:

cd mememuc-launcher

navigates your commandline into the mememuc launcher project

npm run installall

installs the dependencies of all (sub)projects

npm run startdev

starts the backend project. It will connect to a local MongoDB instance (assuming any is running on your local machine) at the default port 27017.

How To Prepare Your Submission

How We Will Test Your Submission

To evaluate your submission, we will launch the following commands:

cd mememuc-launcher # Navigates your commandline into the mememuc launcher project.
npm run installall # Installs the dependencies of all (sub)projects.
npm start # Starts the backend project using the non-persistent in-memory MongoDB instance.