EducatedCamels / djangazon

Django powered web application for Bangazon site
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User can view and edit their account settings #17

Open stevebrownlee opened 7 years ago

stevebrownlee commented 7 years ago

Product ticket by stevebrownlee

Product ticket by stevebrownlee

Given the user is authenticated When the user clicks on "my account" in the nav Then the user will be taken to account view

The account view will include:

Given the user is on the Account View When the user clicks "edit account" Then the user will be presented with a pre-populated form to edit

Given the user has completed the form with valid information When the user clicks "update" Then the information will update in the database, and in the account view

Pro tip: Address and phone number are not fields on the default User model in Django. You'll need to extend that model with your own Customer model using OneToOneField