EducatedCamels / djangazon

Django powered web application for Bangazon site
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Bangazon E-Commerce Web Site

About This Project

Bangazon is an e-commerce web site that allows users to post products to sell and to purchase products created by other users. Think about it as a combination of Amazon and Craigslist.

This project is powered by Python and Django.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Install pip

Install Python 3.6

Install dependencies:

[pillow] pip install pillow

Install Django and REST framework:

pip install django


Clone repo:

cd 'name of directory where you will clone project'
git clone
cd djangazon

Setting up the database:


Run project in browser:

python runserver

Running the tests

python test

5 tests will run. All tests should pass.


No additional resources required.

Built With



Thanks to Steve Brownlee and Meg Ducharme for mentoring and encouraging us every step of the way!