EdwardZehuaZhang / Tiktok-Instagram-Youtube-Snapchat-X-Linkedin-Video-Uploader

TIYSXL Video Uploader automates the process of uploading videos to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, X and Linkedin using Python and Selenium.
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Ask User Choices #1

Closed PaulWCZ closed 1 month ago

PaulWCZ commented 1 month ago

Hey Edward

Nice Repo, it could be nice to change main.py with something like that:

# main.py

import os
import sys
import time
from instagram_upload import main as instagram_upload
from tiktok_upload import main as tiktok_upload
from youtube_upload import main as youtube_upload
from x_upload import main as x_upload
from config import Config

def upload_with_retry(upload_func, *args, max_retries=3):
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
            print(f"{upload_func.__name__} succeeded on attempt {attempt + 1}")
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"{upload_func.__name__} failed on attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}")
    print(f"{upload_func.__name__} failed after {max_retries} attempts")
    return False

def get_user_choices():
    platforms = {
        "1": ("Instagram", instagram_upload, Config.instagram_cookies_file),
        "2": ("TikTok", tiktok_upload, Config.tiktok_cookies_file),
        "3": ("YouTube", youtube_upload, Config.youtube_cookies_file),
        "4": ("X", x_upload, Config.x_cookies_file)

    print("Which platforms do you want to upload to? Enter the corresponding number(s):")
    print("1: Instagram")
    print("2: TikTok")
    print("3: YouTube")
    print("4: X")
    print("Example: '1 2' to select Instagram and TikTok")

    choices = input("Enter your choices: ").split()

    selected_platforms = [platforms[choice] for choice in choices if choice in platforms]

    if not selected_platforms:
        print("No valid platforms selected. Exiting.")

    return selected_platforms

def main():
    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    video_path = Config.video_path
    description_file_path = Config.description_file_path

    selected_platforms = get_user_choices()
    failed_uploads = []

    for platform_name, upload_func, cookies_file in selected_platforms:
        if not upload_with_retry(upload_func, video_path, description_file_path, cookies_file):
            failed_uploads.append((platform_name, upload_func, video_path, description_file_path, cookies_file))

    while failed_uploads:
        platform_name, func, *args = failed_uploads.pop(0)
        print(f"Retrying {platform_name} upload...")
        if not upload_with_retry(func, *args):
            failed_uploads.append((platform_name, func, *args))

if __name__ == "__main__":
I only didn't need Linkedin and Snapchat so they did not appear here, but I like having the choice to publish where I want !
EdwardZehuaZhang commented 1 month ago

Hey Paul. Thanks you for the feedback. I have modified main.py base on your code, and with "enter" key to select all platforms and no space needed between input (eg.12 to select Instagram and Tiktok). Cheers!