EdwardZehuaZhang / Tiktok-Instagram-Youtube-Snapchat-X-Linkedin-Video-Uploader

TIYSXL Video Uploader automates the process of uploading videos to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, X and Linkedin using Python and Selenium.
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Tiktok Instagram Youtube Snapchat X Linkedin Video Uploader (Douyin Kuaishou Bilbili Comming Soon)

This project automates the process of uploading videos to Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, X and Linkedin using Python and Selenium.


Python: Make sure you have Python installed. You can download it from here.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/EdwardZehuaZhang/Tiktok-Instagram-Youtube-Snapchat-X-Linkedin-Video-Uploader.git
  2. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install fake_useragent undetected_chromedriver selenium pywinauto


  1. Config Class: Replace the placeholders in the Config class with your own usernames, passwords, and file paths.

    class Config:
        video_path = "Your video path"
        description_file_path = "Your file descript path, txt btw"
        instagram_cookies_file = "instagram_cookies.pkl"
        tiktok_cookies_file = "tiktok_cookies.pkl"
        youtube_cookies_file = "youtube_cookies.pkl"
        x_cookies_file = "x_cookies.pkl"
        linkedin_cookies_file = "linkedin_cookies.pkl"
        snapchat_username = "ur_snap_username"
        snapchat_password = "ur_snap_password"
        instagram_username = "ur_insta_username"
        instagram_password = "ur_insta_username"
  2. Cookie Extraction: Run the script to login and save cookies for each platform. This will generate the required cookie files (.pkl):

    python extract_cookies.py

Description File Structure

Create a description file for your video with the following structure:

  1. Title on the first line
  2. An empty line
  3. Description paragraph
  4. An empty line
  5. Tags, separated by commas


My Video Title

This is a description of the video.

#tag1, #tag2, #tag3


Run the main script to upload your video to all platforms:

python main.py

Important Points