Edwinem / ceres_python_bindings

Python Bindings for the Ceres library using Pybind11.
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Ceres Python Wrapper

This project uses pybind11 to wrap Ceres with a python interface.

Build Setup

There are different ways to build this library. The safest way is build it along with the Ceres library.

Recommended: Build Alongside Ceres

Clone the repository at https://github.com/Edwinem/ceres_python_bindings into your ceres-solver folder.

Initialize and download the pybind11 submodule

git clone https://github.com/Edwinem/ceres_python_bindings
cd ceres_python_bindings
git submodule init
git submodule update

If you cloned it somewhere else then you must now copy and paste the ceres_python_bindings directory to your ceres-solver directory.

Your ceres directory should now look something like this.

  ├── CMakeLists.txt
  ├── include
  ├── ...
  ├── ceres_python_bindings/ - THIS REPOSITORY
  │   ├── pybind11 
  │   ├── python_bindings
  │   ├── ...
  │   └── AddToCeres.cmake - file to include in Ceres CMakeLists.txt

Open up your ceres-solver/CMakeLists.txt and add the following to the end of the file.


If everything was successful then when you call cmake in your build folder at the end it should output

-- Python Bindings for Ceres(PyCeres) have been added

Build Ceres as you would normally. To specifically build the bindings you should call make PyCeres .

Build separately and link to Ceres

Note that these methods assume that you have built and installed the Ceres library. Either through sudo apt-get or by doing make install.

Normal Cmake

Clone the project and initialize the submodules. Call cmake as you would normally.

cd ceres_python_bindings
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Python setup.py

This uses cmake-build-extension to call the cmake commands with python's setuptools.

Activate your python virtual env. Within the ceres_python_bindings folder run pip install .. This will call the setup.py file and install PyCeres to your virtual environment.

If this fails then your best bet is to use the normal cmake method and debug from there.

How to import PyCeres

Built with setuptools

If you used the setup.py with pip then the library should have been installed to your virtualenv, and you can simply install it with

import PyCeres

Built with cmake

Somewhere a file called PyCeres.so should have been built. It should be in your build directory. It probably more likely looks something like this PyCeres.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so. Mark down the location of this file. This location is what you have to add to python sys.path in order to use the library. An example of how to do this can be seen below.

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, pyceres_location)

After this you can now run

import PyCeres

to utilize the library.

Another option is to copy and paste the PyCeres.so file to your virtualenv/lib folder, which allows you to skip the sys path modifications.

How to use PyCeres

You should peruse some of the examples listed below. It works almost exactly like Ceres in C++. The only care you have to take is that the parameters you pass to the AddResidualBlock() function is a numpy array.

Basic HelloWorld

Code for this example can be found in examples/ceres_hello_world_example.py

This example is the same as the hello world example from Ceres.

import PyCeres  # Import the Python Bindings
import numpy as np

# The variable to solve for with its initial value.
initial_x = 5.0
x = np.array([initial_x])  # Requires the variable to be in a numpy array

# Here we create the problem as in normal Ceres
problem = PyCeres.Problem()

# Creates the CostFunction. This example uses a C++ wrapped function which
# returns the Autodiffed cost function used in the C++ example
cost_function = PyCeres.CreateHelloWorldCostFunction()

# Add the costfunction and the parameter numpy array to the problem
problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, None, x)

# Setup the solver options as in normal ceres
options = PyCeres.SolverOptions()
# Ceres enums live in PyCeres and require the enum Type
options.linear_solver_type = PyCeres.LinearSolverType.DENSE_QR
options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = True
summary = PyCeres.Summary()
# Solve as you would normally
PyCeres.Solve(options, problem, summary)
print(summary.BriefReport() + " \n")
print("x : " + str(initial_x) + " -> " + str(x) + "\n")

CostFunction in Python

This library allows you to create your own custom CostFunction in Python to be used with the Ceres Solver.

An custom CostFunction in Python can be seen here.

# function f(x) = 10 - x.
# Comes from ceres/examples/helloworld_analytic_diff.cc
class QuadraticCostFunction(PyCeres.CostFunction):
    def __init__(self):
        # MUST BE CALLED. Initializes the Ceres::CostFunction class

        # MUST BE CALLED. Sets the size of the residuals and parameters

    # The CostFunction::Evaluate(...) virtual function implementation
    def Evaluate(self,parameters, residuals, jacobians):

        residuals[0] = 10 - x

        if (jacobians!=None): # check for Null
            jacobians[0][0] = -1

        return True

Some things to be aware of for a custom CostFunction

CostFunction defined in C++

It is possible to define your custom CostFunction in C++ and utilize it within the python framework. In order to do this we provide a file python_bindings/custom_cpp_cost_functions.cpp. which provides a place to write your own wrapper code. The easiest way to do this is create an initialization function that creates your custom CostFunction class and returns a ceres::CostFunction to it. That function should then be wrapped in the void add_custom_cost_functions(py::module& m)* function.

It should end up looking something like this.


// Create a function that initiliazes your CostFunction and returns a ceres::CostFunction*

ceres::CostFunction* CreateCustomCostFunction(arg1,arg2,...){
    return new CustomCostFunction(arg1,arg2,...);

// In file custom_cpp_cost_function add the following line

void add_custom_cost_functions(py::module &m) {
    // ....

We provide a basic example of this in custom_cpp_cost_functions.cpp. Note you are responsible for ensuring that all the dependencies and includes are set correctly for your library.

Running examples

We provide a couple examples of how to use the library under ./python_tests. They all assume the wrappers were built alongside Ceres for the PyCeres library. If you did not do this then you need to set the PYCERES_LOCATION environment variable.

You need the following python libs to run these examples.



Experimental PyTorch functionality




Custom Cost functions work


Same as Ceres New BSD.


This is just a wrapper over the hard work of the main Ceres project. All the examples derive from ceres-solver/examples