Eirik0 / opening-explorer

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Opening Explorer

A utility for analyzing and exploring chess opening positions


Getting started using Python3

python -m venv .venv
.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Assuming powershell
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the dependencies necessary to run the explorer.

Launching opex

Running the program once will generate the settings file.

python -m opex

Alternatively, copy opex-default-settings.json and rename it to opex-settings.json.

The explorer will not work without a UCI compliant chess engine. Edit the settings file to reference a UCI engine and run opex again.

For each engine in the settings file, opex will generate an engine options file named engines/<nickname>.uci. This file can be edited to include engine options other than the default.



Installing all development dependencies

pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt


Running tests with coverage and reporting findings

coverage run
coverage report

Running unittest without coverage

python -m unittest discover -v --start-directory ./test --pattern test_*.py