ElGautinho / My-first-tutorial-project

Challenge: capture a tutorial project in a GitHub repository
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Challenge: capture a tutorial project in a GitHub repository

Table of contents

Explanation of the steps i'll be going through to make this challenge perfectly as wanted.

** - [Ideas](#what i want) the challenge will be a simple web page a formular to fill in other to be a part of media section of a church. In this web form we will talk about the skills that a member of our media departement should have or learn to be apart of us. After completing personnal informations in the form the user will continue to the next step of the form that will help us to classify the skills that people who will visit this page may have through 3 points

  1. Task eperience: among the tasks of the section what task they knows well and have been doing this last 3 years .

  2. Tools experience: among the tools we use to make tasks what tools they have been using this past 3 years?.

  3. Which skills are they going to learn in other to improve inovative ideas?

** - My process

*The fisrt step/: I just create a container On a page in which i will firstly put the Logo the Header and the first paragraph of my code. And i will use the flexbox to display them on the center of my page using a class called Header.

*The second step/: I now create a box that will take all my group questions to fill the form.

*The fird step/: I put my first group of questions using labels and inputs displayed using a flex direction form the name to the D.O.B.

*The fourth step/: My other group of question regarding the personnal skills or knowledge of the candidates. using a select button and the radio button to choose what feat best to their answers.

*The fith step/: an other select bottom that contains an other groupe of question with a kind of multiple choice of the answers.

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What i learned

  1. working with a mentor who is guiding you through the process with tools that helps you achieve more things with less mistake.