ElLorans / Best-MTG-Deck

Website that takes list of cards as an input and shows how much you should spend to build every MTG Tier deck. Support for MTGA included.
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 2 forks source link
flask mtg mtg-arena mtg-cards mtg-collection-manager mtg-deck mtga


Magic: The Gathering, (MTG) is a highly popular trading card game. Since competitive decks used in tournaments are usually expensive stock lists of cards (€ 150 upwards) that change once every 3-12 months, players need to know how much they need to spend to purchase a competitive deck, considering the cards already in their collection. Best-MTG-Deck is a user-friendly solution to this need: you only need to insert your collection of MTG cards (e.g.: 4 Tarmogoyf) to obtain a lot of useful information.

Best-MTG-Deck is a Flask web app that takes a list of cards as an input and shows how much you should spend to build every MTG Tier deck.

The project is currently hosted at https://bestdeckforyou.pythonanywhere.com/

The website

Insert collection
