Eladk3 / Compilation

Compiler construction of the object-oriented language L. This repository contains three exercises that guide you through building a compiler using tools like JFlex and CUP.
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Compiler Construction for the L Language

Welcome to the repository for the compiler construction of the object-oriented language L. This repository contains three exercises that guide you through building a compiler using tools like JFlex and CUP.


Exercise 1: Lexical Analysis

Exercise 2: Syntax Analysis

Exercise 3: Semantic Analysis


Building and Running

Exercise 1

  1. Navigate to the ex1 directory.
  2. Run make to build the lexical scanner.
  3. Use ./LEXER input_file output_file to tokenize the input file.

Exercise 2

  1. Navigate to the ex2 directory.
  2. Run make to build the parser.
  3. Use ./PARSER input_file output_file to parse the input file.

Exercise 3

  1. Navigate to the ex3 directory.
  2. Run make to build the semantic analyzer.
  3. Use ./COMPILER input_file output_file to analyze the input file.


Additional Resources