ElectrifyPro / cas-rs

An opinionated computer algebra system written in Rust, used by CalcBot.
MIT License
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algebra calculator computer parser rust


cas-rs is an opinionated computer algebra system written in Rust, made for use with CalcBot. It is currently in a very early stage of development.

See below for a guide on the REPL and some code examples.



cas-rs comes with a builtin REPL to help you try out the library. Clone this repository and run cargo run within the cas-rs directory to start it. Here's a quick guide:

(user-input is prefixed with >)


Common operators used in programming are supported, including:

> 1 + 3

> 2 * 3 > 5

> 41!
3.3452526613163807108170062053440751665152 × 10 ^ 49

Implicit multiplication is also reasonably supported:

> x = 2

> 2x

> 2(x + 3(x + 4))

See here for caveats related to implicit multiplication.


Variables and functions are created using the = operator. Compound assignments are also supported:

> x = 2

> f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1

> f(x)

> x *= x

> x ^= x

> f(x)

Functions also support default parameters:

> log(100)

> log(8, 2)

> f(x, factor = 1) = x * factor

> f(5)

> f(5, 2)

Error reporting

cas-rs tries to be as helpful as possible when reporting errors. For example, this is the generated error if the user inputs incomplete radix notation:

> 2' + 3
Error: missing value in radix notation
 1 │ 2' + 3
   │  ┬
   │  ╰── I was expecting to see a number in base 2, directly after this quote
   │ Help: base 2 uses these digits (from lowest to highest value): 01

What if the user accidentally placed the + operator right next to the quote?

> 2'+ 3
Error: invalid digits in radix notation: `+`
 1 │ 2'+ 3
   │   ┬
   │   ╰── if you're trying to add two values, add a space between each value and this operator
   │ Help: base 2 uses these digits (from lowest to highest value): 01

The parser always attempts to recover from syntax errors in order to be able to report as many errors as possible. For example, here's an example filled with syntax errors:

> () + f(8) = 1'999 )
Error: invalid base in radix notation
 1 │ () + f(8) = 1'999 )
   │             ┬
   │             ╰── this value is too small
   │ Help: the base must be between 2 and 64, inclusive

Error: invalid left-hand-side of assignment operator
 1 │ () + f(8) = 1'999 )
   │ ────┬──── ┬
   │     ╰──────── (1) this expression should be a symbol or function header...
   │           │
   │           ╰── (2) ...to work with this assignment operator
   │ Help: maybe you meant to compare expressions with `==`?

Error: expected end of file
 1 │ () + f(8) = 1'999 )
   │                   ┬
   │                   ╰── I could not understand the remaining expression here

Admittedly, these are rather handpicked examples. However, it is a design goal to make the parser as helpful as possible, and this is a good start.

Code examples

cas-rs utilizes a custom scripting language called "CalcScript" to enable interaction with all of its features. CalcScript is a mostly imperative, expression-oriented language, and attempts to keep syntax and visual noise minimal, while still readable. See the examples/ directory for examples of basic programs written in CalcScript.

Below are some code examples of CalcScript in action:


CalcScript is an expression-oriented language, meaning that every statement is an expression that evaluates to a value. Certain statements, such as blocks, are expressions that evaluate to the last statement within them.

Block expressions

Block expressions are expressions that contain multiple statements / expressions, wrapped in curly braces. The value of a block expression is the value of the last statement within it. The value of a block expression is the value of the last expression / statement within it, or () if the block is empty.

In the complete CalcScript program below, the value of t is the value of the last statement, x + y, which evaluates to 5. Each of the assignment statements are also expressions, but their return values are discarded:

t = {
    x = 2
    y = 3
    x + y

Radix notation

Radix notation is a standard method of writing numbers in bases other than base-10. To type a number in radix notation, type the base, followed by a single quote, followed by the digits of the number. For example, this is the number 1072, expressed in various different bases:

a = 2'10000110000
b = 8'2060
c = 25'1hm
d = 32'11g
f = 47'mC

a == b && b == c && c == d && d == f

Implicit multiplication

cas-rs features implicit multiplication as a convenience. In cas-rs, implicitly inserted multiplication has the same precedence as explicit multiplication, division, and remainder division. Adding an explicit multiplication operator in the place of implicit multiplication will always evaluate to the same result.

This is contrary to some calculators and mathematical literature, which will often treat implicit multiplication as having higher precedence than explicit multiplication. This would have the following behavior:


a = 4

f = 1 / 2a
g = 1 / (2a)

In cas-rs, the three variables f, g, and h in the below example evaluate to the same value:

a = 4

f = 1 / 2a
g = (1 / 2)a
h = 1 / 2 * a


In the below example, there must be whitespace between a and c, otherwise the parser will treat ac as a single symbol.

discriminant(a, b, c) = b^2 - 4a c

Implicit multiplication is restricted to individual lines, meaning that newlines are significant in the context of implicit multiplication. In the past, it was noted that allowing implicit multiplication to span multiple lines could lead to ambiguity and unexpected results. For example, this code produced no output prior to the change, instead of the expected true (the result of fact(14) == 14!). This was because the parser interpreted fact(14) == 14! as being implicitly multiplied with the preceding block expression:


fact(n) = {
    out = n;
    while n > 1 then {
        n -= 1;
        out *= n;
// <-- implicit multiplication was inserted here
fact(14) == 14!

Today, this code can be written as expected:


fact(n) = {
    out = n
    while n > 1 then {
        n -= 1
        out *= n

fact(14) == 14!


Comments in CalcScript are denoted by // and continue until the end of the line. Comments can be placed anywhere in the code, and any text following // will be ignored by the parser.

Comments are typically used to describe or explain the reasoning behind your code, or to temporarily disable a line of code for debugging purposes:

// the x and y-position of a point, in meters
x = 2
y = 3

// computes the distance from the origin
// distance = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
distance = hypot(x, y) // faster than sqrt(x^2 + y^2)


Programming constructs

cas-rs supports usual programming constructs, such as if / else statements, loops, and while loops.

In the case of if / else statements, you often will not need to enclose conditions or branches with any special syntax (you can do so with curly braces or parentheses if needed):

my_abs(x) = if x < 0 then -x else x
quadratic_formula(a, b, c, plus = true) = {
    discriminant = b^2 - 4 a c
    if discriminant >= 0 then {
        left = -b / (2a)
        right = sqrt(discriminant) / (2a)
        if plus then left + right else left - right

loops and while loops are also supported. A loop expression will execute its body forever, while a while expression will run its body for as long as the given condition is true. Within the scope of a loop / while expression, the break and continue keywords can be used to break out of the loop or skip to the next iteration, respectively:

my_factorial(n) = {
    i = 1
    result = 1
    while i < n then {
        i += 1
        result *= i

The break keyword can also be used to give a value to the loop expression. For example, the following function returns the least common multiple of two numbers:

lcm(a, b) = {
    i = 0
    loop {
        i += 1
        if i % a == 0 && i % b == 0 then {
            break i

Unit type

The unit type () is a special type that has only one value, also called (). It is used to indicate that a value is not particularly useful, and is the return type of functions that don't manually return anything. This is similar to void in C-like languages, None in Python, or undefined in JavaScript.

Adding a semicolon to the end of an expression will evaluate, then discard the value of that expression and return () instead.

Using most operators with () will result in an evaluation error, with the exception of comparison-based operators, such as ==, !=, >, <, etc. This can be useful for checking if a function call succeeded or not:

quadratic_formula(a, b, c, plus = true) = {
    discriminant = b^2 - 4 a c
    if discriminant >= 0 then {
        left = -b / (2a)
        right = sqrt(discriminant) / (2a)
        if plus then left + right else left - right

if quadratic_formula(1, 2, 3) == () then {
    // has no real roots
} else {
    // has real roots
