Electrostatics / pdb2pqr

PDB2PQR - determining titration states, adding missing atoms, and assigning charges/radii to biomolecules.
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What to do when I have multiple occupancies? #388

Closed mysecondnameisdanger closed 4 months ago

mysecondnameisdanger commented 4 months ago

It is frequent to have multiple rotamers/conformations/alternative locations for some residues in a pdb file. If I upload my pdb with both conformers to the pdb2pqr/apbs web server, one gets removed (I guess you only keep the first conformer and delete all others?)... WARNING:main.py:424:setup_molecule:Multiple occupancies found in ASP A 18. At least one of the instances is being ignored.

What if the occupancies are 50% for conformer A and 50% for conformer B? should not pdb2pqr take into account that both scenarios can occur? Where I can find documentation on this?
