Elhefes / tiralabra-pathfinding

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Pathfinding algorithms comparison

This repository contains a project made for a course in University of Helsinki, Data structures and algorithms project course. The goal is to implement a program that you can use to compare various different path finding algorithms. It is written in Java as that is the preferred language in this course.


Weekly progress reports


The project uses Gradle for easy running, testing and building. You should run gradle commands from the tiralabra-pathfinding/tiralabra-pathfinding folder.

Run the program

./gradlew run

Generate checkstyle report

./gradlew check
./gradlew checkstyleMain

The checkstyle report will be generated to tiralabra-pathfinding/build/reports/checkstyle/main.html

Unit tests

You run the unit tests with command

./gradlew test

A report of the unit tests will be generated to tiralabra-pathfinding/build/reports/tests/test/index.html

Jacoco test coverage

You can generate jacoco test coverage report with

./gradlew jacocoTestReport

The report will be generated to tiralabra-pathfinding/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html

Build project

./gradlew build

The build of the program will be created to tiralabra-pathfinding/build/distributions