Eliora-Horst / CS424Project

TBD HTML/CSS/JavaScript project
0 stars 2 forks source link

DEV Week Goals #6

Open Eliora-Horst opened 4 years ago

Eliora-Horst commented 4 years ago

I was reviewing what we need for DEV week, and here is what Dr. Hayward wrote:

continue development of a web application
    built from scratch
        **HTML5, CSS, plain JavaScript…**
    **continue design and development of initial project outline and design**
    working app (as close as possible…)
    data may be implemented from either
        self hosted (MongoDB, Redis…)
        cloud services (Firebase…)
        NO SQL…e.g. (you may NOT use MySQL, PostgreSQL &c.)
**outline research conducted**
**describe data chosen for application**
**show any prototypes, patterns, and designs**

Everything with stars is what I think we will have - I think we can have a website with a game on it, but it probably won't be close to our final game yet. We should have all links and pages working on the site, with some nice link highlighting and whatnot. Hopefully some graphic aesthetic work done too. The big thing I would like to have is a PowerPoint prototype of the game, to show it will work. We can go over that on Sunday/Monday when I will have a better idea about the capabilities of this game engine. Here is what he said as far as presentation:

brief presentation or demonstration of current project work
~ 5 to 10 minutes per group
analysis of work conducted so far
    e.g. during semester & DEV week
presentation and demonstration
    outline current state of web app
    explain what works & does not work
    show implemented designs since project outline & mockup
    show latest designs and updates

As far as the presentation, I think we should have a PowerPoint with slides with brief explanations of our process so far, some code, and the prototype (I figure we can simulate animation through flipping back and forth through slides), and an explanation of what still needs to be done. Then we should demo what we have. We should probably use my computer, as you have to have a server running to make the code work (unless you have a server you can run on your laptop, but I already have one set up if you don't wanna mess with it.) Again, we can go over this on Sunday when we meet - speaking of, did you maybe want to go to that Ethiopian restaurant on Broadway? They have a Lunch buffet on Sundays 😃

noorka commented 4 years ago

Ok. So I am working on cleaning up the HTML and getting all the pages to exist. I am going to make a basic logo just to mess around with adding images into the menu bar. Once that looks nice I am going to use it as a framework for the 'paper' prototype for the slides. Once I get that started I will share the slide deck with you on google.

Ethiopian sounds good, but will that be good for having laptops out and working? Maybe lunch then work? Or are we paper planning then coding on Monday?