Elise39u / LaravelAvontuur

A remade of my kilk game in larvael
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A remade of my kilk game in larvael
Loaction 15=Monster encounter
Location 21=Npc loaction
Location 22=Item location
Location 27=Shop Location
Location 46=Warehouse

Used libarys

carbon time class

Install guide

Step 0

First make sure that the following things are checked and are installed

Php version 8.0.2

Composer installed --> https://getcomposer.org/

NPM --> https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-node-js-npm-on-windows

Current laravel version --> 9.2

Python version 2 or higher --> https://www.python.org/

Step 1 Installing How?

To first determine which path to follow i ask you to look at the next statement.

Are you either trying to update your current project? Or are you downloading it for the first time?

For both cases its required to check Step 0 first. In case something is missing make sure its installed or updated.

I will go over the steps needed to either to install or update your application. These are also steps that I encountered while i updated the application from laravel 5 -> 9 In theory you should always by installing this or cloning it through the given repo

Step 2 Composer

First we recommend running composer update. In case a lot of errors, and you can`t run composer update.
Then I ask to check to 2 following things:

Step 2.1 Composer is runnable?

I`m asking to open CMD or Powershell and type the following command composer --version

In case you get the following output img.png Then congrats your composer is correctly installed Keep in mind that your composer version can different from mine

If not make sure to once again go to Step 0 and follow the composer link.

Now comes the second step.

Step 2.2 running Composer update?

First thing first. Check if composer install works. In case not don't panic since were trying to make your project work

I myself have run into an issue while running composer update. I'm going to divide them into 2 parts.

Step 2.2.1 Running composer update through my editor

So the first issues I ran into was that my text editor offered to run composer install.
This really didn`t work because there was an issue here.
The main issue was that my editor was looking for the composer file.
This won't work since the way composer work is by the terminal. So don't use this option.

Step 2.2.2 Composer install lock file is outdated.

There is a chance that if you run composer install that you get that following error in the title.
In that case its recommend checking your composer
There is the chance that your composer is outdated. From here its gets a bit tougher to determine what to do. An first point is to make sure to check if your composer is updated with the correct packages.
A choice is to update that manually.

Make sure to check the laravel documentation then --> laravel version 9
There is a chance that this version might be outdated

The other thing that worked for me is to replace my composer with the following composer file from laravel

After this i could use composer update in the project.

Step 3 Artisan not responding?

After this you should be able to run the project with php artisan serve but it comes with an little small issue of 2

It can happen that artisan is not responding and not working.
Don't worry i had this happen to me. This usually happens after updating.
What you should do in this case is the following.

Search on github for the current laravel version your using.
Find their Handler in App/Exceptions/Handler.
Highlight their everything and copy-paste that into your App/Exceptions/Handler.
Now if you run php artisan --v you can see what is going on wrong.

Also make sure before you run the application to do
php artisan key:generate This will set the application key. With that you now can successfully run the application.

Step 4 Seeders not recognized but they are there

There might be the issue that your seeders are not recognized. for example this can occur after running db:seed Target class [SeedLocations] does not exist.
Don't worry I had this issue too, and I will help you through the steps I took.

4.1 Missing namespace Database\Seeders;

There is a chance that since updating that the seeders won't contain the above namespace. so im asking, and I know it a long task but. Check every seeder that there is and if its misses the namespace than add it
after that run
composer dump-autoload and after that you could run db:seed

4.2 Class "Database\Seeders\DB" not found

One more thing in case that is not working. You might run into the issue of what you see above. Don`t worry the solution can be simmple
You might need to add use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; in all the seeders. Or the one seeder giving the error.
After this again run composer dump-autoload and things you should be normal
Than you can run db:seed